Wooh! This is my kinda topic my mind is composed of random.
I was just thinking, when asked the question, "who have you been closest with, the longest?" my first thought was, my mother, ever sense her ova were developing. Of course, concidering my size at the time, the wall of her overy would probably seem pretty far away...
I was also thinking about if I've had any reacurring dream settings, and I realized then, that almost 80% of my dreams take place at the church my father works at. And the other 20% usually out in nature, like in a park, or a field, or the woods. Almost never in anybodies house, not even my own....in dreams I'm more often at an amusement or water park, then at someone's house. In my dreams when I'm at parks, there are often farmers markets, or basketball courts, sometimes large picnic gatherings. I also dream in video games quite a bit, or in settings that are based off of a place in a video game. I've had countless dreams where I'm in super Mario 64, or ocarina of time...but no matter the setting, I usually only dream about things that could happen in real life :/ not things that WOULD happen necicarily, but things that could happen...most all my dreams have crowds of people in them. Just some thoughts....
No, I am not a Hat in case you were wondering.
And that is all you're ever going to learn about me. That I'm not a hat.
I wish you an absofreakinlutely spectacular day!!
(and every other day for that matter :]