ryan93 wrote:
You have nice handwriting
Was that proof by induction you were doing?
^^ Wooowww, thankee ryan93. However I am very sorry ryna93, as I believe that these workings did not include a happy proof by induction. I believe that towards to top of my friendly page, I have written the Class Equation and towards the bottom of this page,I believe that I perhaps wished to begin writing the definition of an r-cycle, preceded by some examples of elements of the group of permutations of 6 elements (S_6), written within cycle notation.
Oh dear, I am very sorry that you are feeling upset, Felicity. I do hope that you feel happy soon. ^^ I believe that your handwriting is very magical.
Anything more complicated than using young tablaeu's (Knuth-Robinson-Schensted Algorithm) to align sequences makes my brain bleed