Subotai wrote:
Aside from the obvious cruelty and the conditions mirroring Nazi concentration camps, look at the environmental impact of the rampant meat industry.
Anyone else besides me here sense a troll? Just a thought...
But on-topic: Veganism is even more ridiculous than vegetarianism. If humans were meant not to consume animal products or by-products, we wouldn't have canine or incisor teeth, and our digestive tracts wouldn't be nearly as long and complex. In short, depriving yourself of perfectly acceptable (and often more complete) sources of nutrition based solely on some skewed interpretation of ideals and morals is just stupid. If it's for health or medical reasons, then it's fine, but otherwise, don't deprive yourself just because you want to be a part of some ineffectual socio-political movement.
I'm not vegan or vegetarian because, nutritionally, I can't afford to be. Not to mention, I wouldn't like it or have the diligence to do it, either. I need all the calories I can get, however I can get them; curse my physiology.
It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.