Chavs are not working class. They are usually the class below: benefits class.
Benefit-claiming chavs are not to be confused with people who genuinely need benefits (I claim them myself, as do others on here). Not all chavs are on benefits, but most are. It is also worth pointing out that most chavs are poor, but not all poor people are chavs.
I agree with the description of chavs and neds, but also agree with the people who are pointing out that it is not their fault. They usually come from a family of several generations of chavs, and the ones to blame are the ones a few generations back who first started skiving and decided it would be a good idea to stay at home and live off benefits they didn't need in the first place, and passed this ethos on to subsequent generations. Their children and grandchildren are, to a large extent, victims of their own upbringing. We should feel sorry for them rather than laugh at them.
At the same time, I find chavs and neds quite frankly terrifying, and extremely intimidating. There are some little girl neds in my street who often follow me along and shout taunts at me. The other day they were armed with sticks. They are only about 8 years old, but are fearless and have no respect for anyone or anything. Hearing their conversation gives an insight into their sad little world. They are often to be heard shouting at one another as they play and have their street fights:
Girl 1 "I hate you, you're a f***ing wee b****, your dad's on drugs"
Girl 2 "Well, your granny's on drugs and your mum's a f***ing slag and your brother smokes weed"
Girl 3 "Well, your whole family's on drugs, and you'd better run, 'casue I'm going to batter you" ("batter" = beat you up)
It is unlikely that all this exchange of insults is true; it's more a case of one-upmanship to see who can insult the other most. However, it illustrates that they are growing up in homes where drug-taking and foul language are the norm.
Yes, they are terrifying little savages. But can they really be blamed, if this is all they know?