hyperlexian wrote:
Henbane wrote:
Or a male bower bird.
their rituals are so achingly beautiful.
i don't see the point in getting reincarnated because i would not be aware of being "me" anyway. so the experience would be wasted.
Maybe there is a time after you die, when you remember who you truly are, and all the lives you've lived before and what you've learned. Then you go off to your next incarnation.
It took me a long time as a child to get used to the idea of being an individual, inhabiting a body. I used to think that I could float out of my body at any point and experience life in a different form, and that anyone else could do this. I still don't think of myself as a body, but rather something else inhabiting a body, just for now.
But at the same time, I don't rationally believe this. There are two parts of me, a rational part that says 'how ridiculous', and another more basic part that believes this anyway.