I have offered some of my original tunes months ago. I've also shared some of my favorite music videos from the 1980s in that recent thread. In both cases, my motivation is to share some of my perspective on things, hopefully to entertain, educate or amuse others (or some combination of the above).
I haven't shared for a while, mainly because I need to make new recordings of my old songs as well as new songs. The sound quality pretty much sucks for the audio files of my original tunes that are currently available anywhere. It's a shame because I am currently playing guitar and especially singing much better than any previous time in my life. I've been performing various public places (coffee shops, bookstores, bars, restaurants) several times a week the past month and have been well-received. Next Friday I will be the featured performer at a local farmer's market / art fair. If I get some decent audio or video recordings soon, I will share them somewhere on WP, probably in the Art, Writing and Music forum but possibly other places if they fit.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008