fraac wrote:
I think I used to have meltdowns when I was young, that would explain those times where my body would suddenly feel exhausted and I'd need to collapse to the ground. You learn to handle stimuli though.
I have similar shutdowns. I have never, not even once however, had a tantrum. I sometimes wonder about that, a tantrum strikes me as an awfully flashy, loud and extravagant means of communicating emotions, and I'm really just not wired for that kind of display, no matter how bad the inner chaos gets. From another's perspective, when I start getting overloaded I start getting day dreamy and distracted, and eventually despondent completely, as I retreat from the exterior world, much like one sinks beneath the water after succumbing to the exhaustion of treading water in the deep sea after a capsize.
The difference, in my opinion, is that I internalize and process the emotional torrent, which drains my inner resolve or stamina... other folk may externalize it instead, which displays in a tantrum or outburst. Despite being on the spectrum, everyone still has their own individuality, and a function of that in how they handle emotions.
So, yeah, I fully agree that public displays of emotional outbursts or tantrums is hardly required of a public figure on the spectrum.
I am Ignostic.
Go ahead and define god, with universal acceptance of said definition.
I'll wait.