I'm friends with someone from my 5th school, from some 6 years ago or so.
I mostly lost contact - I'm prone to loosing contact for no reason - with other friends from the same year who're still friends with each other and friends with my friends. I see them occasionally when they happen to be where I also got invited to and I'm good with that. They're very nice people.
If asked, I say they're my friends because usually, the people asking me about it are weirded out by my sort of interaction with acquaintances and friends as those two are almost the same to me, really.
I don't go out of my way (e.g. talk and acknowledge) for people whom I don't like much (for whatever selfless or selfish reason) as most others do, calling them acquaintances.
I'm not in contact with anyone else however and I'm rather pleased with how things are. Too many people ganging up on me for having autism, whole classes or close to 70 people of a year, mostly strangers whom I never talked to, assembling somewhere because they agree with some vocal schoolmates of how "how Sora is ret*d (figure that's the German equivalent of using "behindert" = disabled as an insult) and that ret*ds not welcome in the new school".
Having so few friends from school is indeed uncommon among peers and the older generation where I live. I earn a lot of strange "looks" for it, as if being in contact with so few former schoolmates is, in some irrational way, my personal fault. Which makes no sense whatsoever, it's not as if I'm not a highly desirable and amazing person, so their loss hehe
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett