There are extremely many Dictionaries and Thesarus and
Synonym lexica to look at but I take a random one.
Togetherness means
Togetherness is the feeling of being close to another person emotionally
and physically. It is an emotion which cannot be definitive outside
of its current sociological meaning, and the reality of such a term is not
Wow that where too intellectual language for my level of grasping English.
I try another one.
warm fellowship, as among members of a family.
the quality, state, or condition of being together.
Hm they have a positive experience of being in a family.
Not something everybody shared. And being together
that can be very much at the others throat even
But I guess I get what they refer to.
As a diagnosed Aspie I have mixed views on "togetherness"
Is it a blessing or a curse. Sometimes I long for deep togetherness
and at other times I hate everything togetherness like Team Sport
or Politics or Church or anything that refers to collective dependence.
I am very ambiguous about the whole thing. Longing for going steady
and knowing I fail to stand being that close and dependent on another.
Having been utterly lonely now for many decades I start to long for togetherness again.
But I know from experience that the joy of having someone close can too soon
change into a longing for to be totally independent.
I wish somebody good at "social engineering" would come up with a scheme
that would allow one to jump in and out of such deep togetherness.