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24 Jul 2012, 5:53 pm

My concern, and reasons for it.

The new comics delve into dark places. They study the profile of the criminal, and present an imaginary nature of the character that allows any pretend justification for the crimes and actions these fictional characters are written to commit. This new incarnation of characters have a clinical reality about them, found in the exhaustive detail the writer puts into the character's past and dossier. In that background is found the justification for the character's actions. Evil is made acceptable because as a prime motivator it has been identified, and is found not to be the character's fault, leaving the character not responsible for his actions.

Never before has a generation of human beings been so awash in an unending, constant and ever increasing torrent of media and the inherent manipulation therein of a profit based entertainment industry, with no holds barred toward the Roman Empire's cliff of demise.

Children are not little adults, they are data sponges, everything that comes into their view and catches their attention is magnified in importance when compared to their relative inexperience in the world, ancient or modern. Did you know that babies should go out in the world in a stroller that faces Mom and Dad? This is because babies don't have a sense of permanence yet, Mom is out of sight, therefore Mom is gone! What is this replaced with? The passing sights and images of the bright and attention demanding world. These sights soon pass out of view, encouraging a shortened span of given attention. A baby in a stroller facing the parents has a constant view of hopefully engaging and animated parents.

Now, combine early detachment, heightened need for stimulation with the violent imagery, reprehensible actions and foul language that predominate entertainment today. The concept of the anti-hero sounds pretty cool, I myself am something of one. I border on the edge of the mortal law, but I am guided by a moral compass that I find also painful to align away from.

The fictional anti-hero has no such tangent to remain on, so long has he maintains one rule, most often "thou shall not kill", but in the now darkened world of comic literature, this is found to be a weakness, rather than a virtue. What was once the immovable restraint has now become the ace in the hole for the comic criminal, he can kill right in front of the anti-hero, knowing the anti-hero cannot respond in the only way to ensure safety for innocents.

The anti-hero is trapped in a false quandary however, because it is imaginary, but the exquisite detail, rich verbal texture and alluring artistry in the stories are taken up by some as better than reality.

I'll not come to any specific conclusion in this writing, other than to say I do not confuse a pleasant rain shower with a suspect wetness being delivered to my leg.



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26 Jul 2012, 2:03 pm

My article is being published. Neat! It's titled:

"Darkness in a once Light arena."


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26 Jul 2012, 2:10 pm

shrox wrote:
Children are not little adults, they are data sponges, everything that comes into their view and catches their attention is magnified in importance when compared to their relative inexperience in the world, ancient or modern. Did you know that babies should go out in the world in a stroller that faces Mom and Dad? This is because babies don't have a sense of permanence yet, Mom is out of sight, therefore Mom is gone! What is this replaced with? The passing sights and images of the bright and attention demanding world. These sights soon pass out of view, encouraging a shortened span of given attention. A baby in a stroller facing the parents has a constant view of hopefully engaging and animated parents.

My Mum noticed that when she was strolling with me as a baby. She used an old fashioned pram because I seemed so much happier in one.

Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.


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26 Jul 2012, 2:36 pm

puddingmouse wrote:
shrox wrote:
Children are not little adults, they are data sponges, everything that comes into their view and catches their attention is magnified in importance when compared to their relative inexperience in the world, ancient or modern. Did you know that babies should go out in the world in a stroller that faces Mom and Dad? This is because babies don't have a sense of permanence yet, Mom is out of sight, therefore Mom is gone! What is this replaced with? The passing sights and images of the bright and attention demanding world. These sights soon pass out of view, encouraging a shortened span of given attention. A baby in a stroller facing the parents has a constant view of hopefully engaging and animated parents.

My Mum noticed that when she was strolling with me as a baby. She used an old fashioned pram because I seemed so much happier in one.



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26 Jul 2012, 8:01 pm

Does the general silence mean people agree?


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26 Jul 2012, 8:16 pm


I pine for living in a time when people seemed to care more for one another. Although I think I would have to be brought up in that time rather then travel back because I would miss all the amenities that we have today like showers, medicine and technology.

I sometimes wonder if the increase in one cased the decrease in the other.


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26 Jul 2012, 9:23 pm

I barely understood the point you were trying to get at with this article, but what I did understand I disagreed with. First of all, these dark comics are not meant to be read by children. Though comics once started out as children's fare, their audience has shifted over time to become more oriented towards adults. Your article takes the same point of view as people who say that Grand Theft Auto games are teaching children to become criminals. If it's not geared towards children, then it shouldn't be assumed that it's ruining their mentality. It's their parents' responsibility as to what they are exposed to.


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27 Jul 2012, 3:51 pm

IdahoRose wrote:
I barely understood the point you were trying to get at with this article, but what I did understand I disagreed with. First of all, these dark comics are not meant to be read by children. Though comics once started out as children's fare, their audience has shifted over time to become more oriented towards adults. Your article takes the same point of view as people who say that Grand Theft Auto games are teaching children to become criminals. If it's not geared towards children, then it shouldn't be assumed that it's ruining their mentality. It's their parents' responsibility as to what they are exposed to.

Older kids give the mature comics to their younger siblings, Grand Theft Auto is often just left in console, just a button push away. Make we should have locked cabinets for certain video games as well, but better would be for people to actually know what the game entails. And yes, I do wonder about people that enjoy the extreme modes of play, whether OEM or third party add-on, that depict violent acts toward women.

"It's their parents' responsibility as to what they are exposed to." That just doesn't fly anymore, as many parents have given up their authority to marketing, then people die because they couldn't say "no", or didn't know they should say "no".

Last edited by shrox on 27 Jul 2012, 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Jul 2012, 6:02 pm

I have never played 'Grand Theft Auto', but I read that a player gets points for killing/shooting a prostitute for no this true?
If so, Shrox is 100% correct.
What behavior/actions are condoned/encouraged on a game subtly encourages that type of thinking.
We really do not need more violence or contempt for others to be pushed on us.
For example, Every time an instance of child abuse bad enough to make the news is publicized and the details reported, the public commentary consists of sympathy for the children interspersed with violent torture fantasies aimed at the accused.
VERY rarely are there thoughtful questions of what led these people down this path, what kind of upbringing put such rage into their minds, what we should look for, and:


Or how to help people, or where to direct them for help if they feel these impulses.

Just encouragement of hate and violence, as if that will fix anything.

Furthermore, adults can be affected by violent, misogynistic fantasies,perhaps not as obviously as children.

I think a good example would be a little book known as 'MeinKampf'.



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28 Jul 2012, 1:57 pm

shrox wrote:
Never before has a generation of human beings been so awash in an unending, constant and ever increasing torrent of media and the inherent manipulation therein of a profit based entertainment industry, with no holds barred toward the Roman Empire's cliff of demise.

It is unfortunate but true. Society has been socially engineered and continues to be through numerous channels. The media in all of it's facets, is a major avenue by which these social engineers complete their tasks. Moving and shaping societies is something that has gone on for a very long time. It has been my belief that there will be those who will be more susceptible to varying forms of manipulation, and at different times through life stages then others. It is a very complicated issue with really no simple answer. We simply examine the framework in an effort to better gauge how its done, but in terms of knowing exactly how and why it affects people remains to be determined. From what I gather, it really comes down to the levels of consciousnesses in different people, and depending on those levels will better determine how and to what degree they have been affected. Some would believe that in terms of indoctrination no one is entirely impervious, and this might very well be true. For all we know, we as people could all be affected to some extent and not even know it. However I find what made the most sense for me was attempting to decipher it though better understanding the varying levels of consciousness in humanity.

I find your statement to be valid and is worthy of further examination. It is important to bring attention to these topics. It is not entirely appropriate to generalize and I try not to, but there is a degree of truth when it involves many people who are, or would seem to be incapable of free thought in present day society. There is nothing wrong with thinking and presenting information on important subject matter like this. It's a good topic you presented here and it's important.


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29 Jul 2012, 4:55 pm

Dear Radical Dreamer,
Might I add that there are those who seem to be 'Natural Followers', who seem more susceptible than others to the loudest voice, the most forceful presentation?
