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31 Aug 2012, 3:26 pm

I feel kind of off today. I think I'm anxious about starting college next week. Actually I know I am and I'm also overwhelmed because I still have to organize my things, I have a ton of laundry to do and my room is a mess.


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31 Aug 2012, 4:13 pm

Small changes and challenges


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31 Aug 2012, 4:21 pm

Tried to take a photograph of the sore neck on one of my pet rats. He panicked and escaped. Fortunately, after a while with the light out, he climbed on top of the does' cage and I managed to catch him with great difficulty.


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31 Aug 2012, 6:02 pm

It's only been three weeks into school, and I've already gotten a 96% grade in Pre-Calculus. :?

Usually, I wouldn't mind that grade for math, but it's only the beginning of the year!

My nephew Coke needs to eat! Obviously we're related. :lol:


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01 Sep 2012, 8:29 am

the antilife club(theyre "prolife" and they have the gall to call themselves "lifechoices") on campus is giving me the sh!&s. im glad the Greens students on campus went to their AGM and heckled them but i wish they'd told us so that we could have harrassed them too. they disgust me. the greens made this well titled petition: "how about i make my own life choices- stop the unsw anti-abortion society". also hearing my comrade is in financial strife because of the government and big business worries me. also feeling insecure about my address' confidentiallity.


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01 Sep 2012, 9:54 am

Some people are incredibly stupid and should never be allowed to use a computer. :x I swear that if they borrowed a hammer from me and they used it to smash up their TV they'd blame me for the damage because the hammer was capable of doing such harm. Like the dumb idiot who sued a food chain because they scalded themselves with a hot drink. Grrr. The world is full of tossers who are incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions.


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01 Sep 2012, 10:14 am

13 sleeps till I get diagnosed

I want to strip off, this raggedy coat of neurotypical I've carefully stitched together over the years and be what ever is underneath
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01 Sep 2012, 10:44 am

3 hour trip to crowded Ikea on a scorching Saturday afternoon.


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01 Sep 2012, 8:52 pm

Stupid shutdowns ¬¬ Eh, at least if I'm posting here I'm back to normal.

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill


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01 Sep 2012, 8:55 pm

Have been mute since 4pm yesterday - and it doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon.

I hope it does because I have an exam tomorrow.

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01 Sep 2012, 11:51 pm

Originally made plans with a friend on a whim, but backed out at the last minute because things got really complicated really quickly. I like to use every opportunity to socialize with friends because it doesn't happen very often and I don't get out much, so missing an opportunity like this makes me feel like even more of a hermit than I already do.


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02 Sep 2012, 5:54 am

Spoke to my brothers on the phone while at dads and the consensus from them is that we're NOT going to Soundwave in Feb. They both hate the lineup. But if A Perfect Circle plays a sideshow we'll go to that.


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02 Sep 2012, 8:10 am

i just got hassled by the f#$%ing cops for no bloody reason at all!! ! what a***holes! like i was taking my night time stroll and at 10:20 one of them pulled over by me and started treating me like a suspicious character, asking me why i was out at this location, where i was before i got there, if i lived here, when i moved there, if i knew what sort of people my area was known for and that kinda crap. i told him i was out exploring and he thought that was strange!! !! he was all like "you were walking towards that bin and you were exploring?"(charity donation bin. i was walking towards it because a) i wanted to see if it was clothing only and b) i was walking in the middle of the road and wanted to get off it because he was driving towards me and i didnt want to be run over). what could he possibly have thought i was doing near that bin?! maybe im being all autistic and unimaginative but what the hell could he have been thinking?! as if it were a crime to be out walking in my area! what a pig! what a f$%^ing pig! goodness gracious me! ACAB. i wish i hadnt eaten all my chocolate. i need something to make me feel better. im so angry. :evil:


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02 Sep 2012, 5:02 pm

Lost my debit card. Oh debit card, where art thou?

-- Logan


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02 Sep 2012, 9:37 pm

I was randomly browsing a local website that's basically like Idaho's version of Craigslist, and I came across a job for a graphic designer at a place that does screen printings. I thought it sounded very interesting, so I brought it up to my mom.

And my mom got upset with me.

She's like "You're looking for a job? Well that's news to me!" and she went on to talk about how me going to work would "upset the dynamics of the whole household".

Most mothers would be happy that their almost-22 year old wants to work to support their own interests, but does mine? Nope. :roll:

And what really doesn't make sense is that, prior to me bringing this up, she seemed to be in a perfectly good mood. Lately it seems like even the most minor things will cause her to go off. Usually I laugh about it, because her anger is normally directed at my dad and we all act like it's a joke. But when it's directed at me, it hurts. I feel like crying right now. :cry:


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03 Sep 2012, 3:43 am

This was actually yesterday, but I'll post it anyway.

Firstly, there was this show I thought i might get to watch, but my stepdad had put a film on, so I went upstairs for a bit. When I came down, it turned out he had put the show on, and i was upset about that.

Then later, I was sat on the floor reading a book ,when I suddenly saw a spider, and because it was so suddenly, I let out a short scream and got up and stood where I felt safer, while my Mum stood on the sofa and tried to throw things at it.

When my stepdad finally got rid of it, he said that me, my Mum, and my brother and sister should all have therapy.

My Mum had that once, she had to TOUCH a spider. I don't want to look at pictures of them, let alone touch real ones.

I'm really scared about it right now. :cry: :pale: