-No, NTs aren't stupid. Yes, NTs are capable of having talents as well.
-No, your 2-year-old does not have Autism just because he likes stacking bricks. He is a toddler, let him play, and don't be so jumpy at any little thing he does unless obvious Autistic symptoms surface. Then it's time to worry.
-OK, you have AS. You are shy. You have social phobia. You hate being all those, but turning to illegal drugs won't make you magically into an NT and will just make your life worse.
-OK I can't think of any good advice for your original post. That does not mean I lack empathy.
-Yes you want to kill yourself. Fair enough if you want to pour your heart out, but don't expect a string of ''oh don't kill yourself you are a good person'' posts. It gets kinda boring.
-Not all of us choose to live with people but have to anyway, so rambling about living with other people is not always another way of saying ''I want to move out''.
-Not everybody with Asperger's hates people and social relationships. It is possible to desire social interaction but struggle at the same time, and advising somebody in that situation to socially isolate themselves is not always emotionally possible. See to it.
-Yes, some of us work. That does not mean we are completely capable of achieving everything else in life and having no anxieties or issues. Deal with it.
-Yes, bad things happen to NTs as well. Having social skills is not the golden ticket to a lifetime of paradise.
-We all have different life circumstances, so one simple answer may not be compatible for everybody.
-NTs aren't ''all or nothing''.
-Yes, I can read body language and facial expressions pretty well by instinct. That doesn't make social situations any easier for me, and it doesn't mean I am not an Aspie.
-I have explained why enough. I do not need all these ifs, ands, buts and maybes thrown at me as though you are trying to prove me wrong. Just read the ample information I have given and so need advice related to what I have put, not what I haven't put.
-No your parents aren't abusive just because they sometimes fail to understand you. Are you an abusive son/daughter just because you sometimes fail to understand your NT parents? No. That's settled it then.
-You can't be certain of a person you have never met before, from a description somebody described on WP about a person. So badmouthing them and making them out to be a psycho has no use.
-Jerk traits are not Aspie traits. So anybody can be jerks, Aspie or not.
-No, the general public have better things to think about than noticing you may have the teeniest minuscule difference about you.
-No, NTs do not breathe on empathy. And Aspies do not necessarily lack empathy. Learn it.
-A group of teenagers are talking and laughing near you. No, it does not mean they have noticed you and are out to get you.
Sorry, just made up a few of my own.