As a kid I could not even read the word "vomit," "puke" or "throw up" in a BOOK without having a panic attack. Kids could terrify me by pretending to puke or saying the words related to vomit, and they loved to do it. I remember it being triggered by a kid at school vomiting in class, and just being absolutely horrified by it, as I became sick myself that night and found the experience completely traumatic. It was as if I felt offended that the body was even capable of anything that disgusting and ugly. Now I would say it's more of a deep aversion/disgust than a true phobia, but if I hear people vomiting I can't deal with it. I never liked drinking or hanging around people who drink or do heavy drugs for this reason. I also am really horrified by the new trend in music videos and album covers where they actually have censored or allusive images of people vomiting (Lady Gaga, Santigold,, etc). It just seems not only in bad taste to me but really, really horrifying... to me it's as if they showed a close up image of a menstruating vagina or something... sorry to be graphic but it's that horrible to me, even if it's just someone vomiting pretend glitter.
When my daughter was an infant she caught rotavirus and had projectile vomiting. She lost 1/4 of her bodyweight and I'm not really sure, to be cruelly honest, which was more traumatic to me... the worry I felt as a mom over her well-being, or the terror I felt about being vomited on, cleaning it up etc. And this was just a breast fed baby... nothing too bad. But it was so upsetting to me that I just prayed to God to PLEASE never let her get this again. Thankfully she is a pretty healthy kid!
I have a hard time with any type of loss of control in my body. I found the experience of labor, ironically, so traumatic to me emotionally and physically that I decided if I ever had another child, I would prefer to adopt. It was that bad for me. People say that "you forget the pain" but I never did, nor the feeling of losing control of my muscles. I did everything beforehand to anticipate a "gentle birth" but the loss of control for me felt a lot like vomiting, which triggered a lot of horrible emotions.
I never knew this was an AS thing.
I don't know if any of you had problems as a child (or do now) with seeing gore as well, or if it's related. I hope this isn't off topic but I used to also have a terrible fear of having surgery as a child. I was an awful hypochondriac and to some extent still am. I have an embarrassing, secret special interest in scary, rare and bizarre medical conditions, as well as different types of chromosomal defects, disabilities, etc. I feel like my emetophobia is somehow related to that...
Undiagnosed Aspie and mom to 7yo Aspie/ADHD girl, engaged to BPD partner in our happily eccentric home.