ThatRedHairedGrrl wrote:
2wheels4ever wrote:
BTW I was not aware they had Popeye's and JIB in the Isles.
Usually they don't, but I work on a US airbase and we have a Popeye's, an Anthony's and a...what's that Philly subs place? I can't remember. As well as a BK, a Pizza Hut and a Subway, but we have all those over here anyway.
JIB I encountered when I was in Seattle. We were going to go try the infamous Dick's burgers, but I discovered that - shock! horror! -
they don't hold the mayo and I despise mayo - and it happened the JIB on Broadway (now demolished) was the nearest available place to get something else. (My hubby, who doesn't share my objections to mayo, had a Dick's burger and he said they weren't all that. I get the impression a lot of Seattleites like Dick's for the nostalgia value because they grew up going there, or in some cases working there.)
Never heard of Dick's but in the southwestern US a chain called Five Guys has been campaigning to compete with In-N-Out. Sounds similar to this Dick's with the overpriced nothing special. In-N-Out literally has people coming from all over the world to try their burgers, and many come back. I'll always prefer INO because as a California native the taste and texture are ingrained in me. When my cousins moan about not having had In-N-Out since 20-- my response is: that's what happens when you leave California huh?
Speaking of burgers, I just got a hankering for a chili burger from Tommy's (I live near the one in the Offspring "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" video! )
Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30