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31 Jul 2013, 11:25 am

Yeah, those annoying back teeth. Some of you have gotten them removed, whom amongst us has?
Mine were removed in August 2006.


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31 Jul 2013, 11:29 am

Had four, got two of them removed, because of them pushing the other teeth. Great fun. ^^


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31 Jul 2013, 11:34 am

Got all my four, there was plenty of room for then as when I joined the Navy at 17, I think the Wren Officer Dentist fancied me, as she kept having me back to pull more teeth out, left plenty of room when my Wisdoms came through.


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31 Jul 2013, 11:53 am

Still have all four of mine. There's more than enough room and they're keeping my other teeth from shifting.

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31 Jul 2013, 12:50 pm

Mine are gone. The top ones I was knocked out totally for. There's a funny story about how the bottom ones came out.

The dentist gave me laughing gas before he pulled them, but they left me in the room alone for a long time with the gas thingy on my face and I was bored. There was nothing interesting in there, nothing to read, nothing but me and the gas equipment. So I noticed there were sliders to mix the gas and oxygen together, and that I could reach them easily without getting up. :twisted: I gave the gas a couple of gentle bumps.

When the dentist and his assistant came back I was pretty high, but I think the gas was leaking out from around the edges of the mask because they were soon acting pretty silly. The first tooth came out quickly but for the 2nd, the dentist had the plier-thingies in my mouth and one foot up on the arm of my chair to yank the tooth out. It made a sound like a nail coming out of a board. :lol:

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31 Jul 2013, 2:46 pm

I still have all of mine. So far, they haven't bugged me to the point of having at least one removed just yet.

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31 Jul 2013, 3:24 pm

The folklore here is that when your last wisdom tooth comes in,half your life is over.I still have one that has not dropped,I'm doing good :lol: I had a dentist pull one,it was awful,he had me in a headlock straining(i do mot go to him anymore)The next one I went to an oral surgeon,who pulled it out in two shakes of a lamb's tail.The dentist I use now told me to have the bottom ones removed by a professional,there is a nerve that runs along your bottom jaw that can be damaged by pulling the tooth if they don't know what they are doing.

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31 Jul 2013, 5:42 pm

I had to have all four dug out of the depths of my jaw. All four of the molars that were next to them are out of place cuz I waited too long to have them removed.

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31 Jul 2013, 6:08 pm

Mine never came in which is alot luckier than my dad because he had his remove d& they broke apart. Every now & then a piece still comes out

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31 Jul 2013, 7:44 pm

I had mine removed just a couple weeks ago. Luckily, I only ever grew the two top ones, no lowers. That particular dentist doesn't knock people out for the removal, so instead they had me take a 2mg xanax (which I'd never had before) an hour before the appointment. I was surprised--it actually went very quickly and wasn't unpleasant (aside from the taste at one point or other). I spent my time lying there wondering if the xanax had kicked in yet, but I knew it finally had when I went to get up after the procedure. Boy, I was wobbly! My speech was slowed too, and I know I looked and sounded drugged. XD I went home, called my aunt (I'm sure I sounded hilarious) and then slept for the rest of the afternoon.


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31 Jul 2013, 9:01 pm

had mine removed in 04. Had to have surgery on my jaw to move it forward so the specialist decided to remove wisdom teeth at the same time.


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01 Aug 2013, 12:01 am

I got mine removed in 2011. Aside from feeling a little nauseous afterward and bleeding on my pillow, I had no problems. I didn't need any painkillers, not even ibuprofen. I just slept for a few days and only woke up to eat, clean out my mouth, and use the restroom.


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01 Aug 2013, 12:04 am

Bottom two. Awake. I wouldn't risk General just for such.

There was a 1% chance I'd lose feeling/have altered sensation to the right side of my face (nerve was caught up with it) when removed. Had to have it done due to infections and whatnot.

Naturally, I was in the 1%.

It hurt like freaking hell at the time. The left side was fine, but the right with the nerve. Wow (Panadol did nothing). Then...nothing (or kinda like pins and needles to touch). For good.


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01 Aug 2013, 12:10 am

I congenitally lack wisdom teeth.


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01 Aug 2013, 2:43 am

matt wrote:
I congenitally lack wisdom teeth.
I think that maight could be the case with me. Could that possibly be some kind of birth defect thing? I also have a deviated septum & I just thought that perhaps that might could somehow be oddly linked/relsted in a roundabout way to my lack of wisdom teeth.

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01 Aug 2013, 2:58 am

Nope nothing wrong with you. Wisdom teeth are a leftover or genetical vary. So some people get some, some people not. They could have been useful in earlier time to replace missing teeth you mostly had around 25, but because of us having good hygiene nowadays, they are mostly causing only problems. So as mentioned, mine didnt even have place in the jar left, pushed the other teeth and are additional about 50% hidden from flesh, so I couldnt propper brush them. My partner had additional one with twisted roots, that caused because of that horrible pain, when the tooth tried to wander up into his jar. He needed to be sedated, then the Dr. needed to cut through the flesh to get to the wisdom teeth, because of the twisted roots, he couldnst simply plug it, but needed to split it into four parts, each with one part of the root. (With roots I mean the long anchors, that are fixing your teeth in the jar, sorry if its the wrong word.) and then to remove each part.

So if you dont have wisdom teeth: Simply be lucky. ^^