Rational and Irrational Fears...
When I was a child I was honestly afraid of chairs, especially wooden ones. Hard to describe the feeling. They seemed disturbingly empty or perhaps there was some fear they might start moving. I have read that the phobia is called "Brynophobia". I'd get anxious when alone around chairs. Had a couple nightmares about chairs too, flying around and moving on their own.
The phobia was never so bad as to become an impediment to life though and I never attempted to try to get to the bottom of it. As a middle-aged man thankfully most chairs look comfy though. Nonetheless, the old unused wooden chairs stored in my attic still make me just a bit uncomfortable.
The phobia was never so bad as to become an impediment to life though and I never attempted to try to get to the bottom of it. As a middle-aged man thankfully most chairs look comfy though. Nonetheless, the old unused wooden chairs stored in my attic still make me just a bit uncomfortable.
Outhouses scare me to death! I am afraid that someone or something is going to reach up and pull me in or touch me when i am in one. Port-o-johns aren't so bad though. Outhouses are just plain creepy, especially ones that are near a hundred years old.
?Do not fear people with Autism, embrace them, Do not spite people with Autism unite them, Do not deny people with Autism accept them for then their abilities will shine? - Paul Isaacs
My irrational fears:
Crane-flies (they must all die if they enter my domain)
Wetting myself in public (hasn't happened since I was little, but I still don't undertake any journey of any size (say, even to the town centre) without planning in advance where I can stop for a piss if needed)
Injections (they're nothing really, it's all in the anticipation)
Razor blades (they're so sharp you can cut yourself on them without even noticing)
Anything involving eyeballs (I had a hard time learning to use contact lenses, for example)
Spontaneous human combustion (the scientific community think they've got it all wrapped up -- I am unconvinced)
Fear that the laws of aerodynamics will be disproved while I am travelling by aeroplane, with the result that the 'plane simply falls out of the sky
My rational fears:
That I will die alone and unloved
That I will be declared bankrupt
That my best years are behind me and that I have experienced 'middle aged AS burnout' and will never be productive again
That I will suffer from some long painful illness, that may go into remission from time to time, but will return in increased strength after each interval, leading to ever-increasing pain, ultimately leading to an agonising and premature death
That I will outlive all my family members and there will be no-one to come to my funeral
That I will die before my mother, which is the worst fate I could wish upon such a loving parent
That I will never have a 32inch waist again
That I smell and am not aware of it
That although I have achieved a large number of my ambitions in life, I will never enlarge upon those successes
That my current case of writer's block will never end
That my temporary loss of libido will be permanent and that I will therefore never have sex again, and will therefore be incapable of pursuing a fully-adult relationship (unless I start looking among the asexual community, which would be even worse)
That the Conservative Party will win the next UK General Election, spelling the end of the Welfare State and the NHS (I don't worry too much about this one, since the Labour Party have had an average ten-point poll lead for the last two years ... but it's still a frightening prospect)
One thing that really freaks me out is my own belly button. OTHER PEOPLES' DON'T SCARE ME. JUST WIME SCARES ME. I fear it will rip open and kill me. Yet I still touch it, and it creeps me out. While I find Flarp noise putty fun to play with, it also kind of scares me when it sticks to my hands and fingers.
?Do not fear people with Autism, embrace them, Do not spite people with Autism unite them, Do not deny people with Autism accept them for then their abilities will shine? - Paul Isaacs