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05 Mar 2014, 5:50 pm

You'd have to learn to drive all over again. (Yanks drive on the wrong side.)
People would always single you out as a native of the USA. (By your American accent.)
You would never be able to understand Cricket. (You have to be born in the UK, or in a former territory to 'get' it.)
People would forever giving you grief about USA 'football', which is actually rugby. (Sort of.)
People would forever be giving you grief about USA military interventions in (name that country.)

But you won't because the restrictions are rather fearsome. Someone on these boards have posted it before, but you have to literally be a 'Rich Yank' to settle down in the UK. Best idea is to just visit, and you'll see for yourself.

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. ~Theodore Roethke


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05 Mar 2014, 6:05 pm

TallyMan wrote:
Mmmmm, treacle pudding with custard. :D Not allowed to have much or often though nowadays due to diabetes. :(

I'm partial to Cadburys chocolate steam pudding, with fresh cream poured all over it.

My mouths watering just thinking about it.

We only have it once a year though, for a treat at Christmas.

Well you've got to have something to look forwards to.

Oh yes, OP. In England we have a special night of the week which is a Sunday and we call it bath night.

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05 Mar 2014, 6:16 pm

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
You'd have to learn to drive all over again. (Yanks drive on the wrong side.)
People would always single you out as a native of the USA. (By your American accent.)
You would never be able to understand Cricket. (You have to be born in the UK, or in a former territory to 'get' it.)
People would forever giving you grief about USA 'football', which is actually rugby. (Sort of.)
People would forever be giving you grief about USA military interventions in (name that country.)

You seem to be giving me useful ways to spot crazy Brits. Once again, I'm fine with crazy, it's the uniquely American crazy that I'd like to avoid. But, thanks for your valuable insights. Cricket... who knew?

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
But you won't because the restrictions are rather fearsome. Someone on these boards have posted it before, but you have to literally be a 'Rich Yank' to settle down in the UK. Best idea is to just visit, and you'll see for yourself.

How far am I from being rich enough?


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05 Mar 2014, 6:21 pm

babybird wrote:
Oh yes, OP. In England we have a special night of the week which is a Sunday and we call it bath night.

You had a bath once a week! You must be rich. When Ar woz a lad, we liv'd in a cardboard box in't middle o motorway and us dad kicked us out in the mornin to get water from stream with an old tin can. We had to wash in a tin bath, cold water, hot was fo them rich folks. :P

I've left WP indefinitely.


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05 Mar 2014, 6:22 pm

Tea is MANDATORY. Whoever argues to the contrary isn't a true Scotsm... Brit. :lol:

I live in a seaside UK town. It might be seen as paradise to refugees from a war-torn 3rd world country. Visitors from the developed world tend not to stay.


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05 Mar 2014, 6:25 pm

TallyMan wrote:
babybird wrote:
Oh yes, OP. In England we have a special night of the week which is a Sunday and we call it bath night.

You had a bath once a week! You must be rich. When Ar woz a lad, we liv'd in a cardboard box in't middle o motorway and us dad kicked us out in the mornin to get water from stream with an old tin can. We had to wash in a tin bath, cold water, hot was fo them rich folks. :P

That's ok. We used to have to hide in the coal bunker from the tally man.

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05 Mar 2014, 8:11 pm

Well, I'm having a bit of a problem locating the exact amount of $$ you'll need to have in the bank, but here's a good link (with some humorous remarks)

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. ~Theodore Roethke

Blue Jay
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06 Mar 2014, 1:01 am

Prof_Pretorius wrote:
Well, I'm having a bit of a problem locating the exact amount of $$ you'll need to have in the bank, but here's a good link (with some humorous remarks)

I looked at the link and nothing there was dissuading. This idea is in its infancy, but more importantly, so is my life as an asd diagnosee.

I don't know how this thread obtained such a negative tone, but I'm willing to assume it was something I said. I didn't mean to upset anybody. I'm new to this thing and I haven't had much help at all with anticipating peoples' criteria for offense. I'm not looking for negativity, but I'm willing to accept that I have likely provided some.

I have only received my official diagnosis two summers ago. I have gotten no specific treatment. It's hard to tell just where I fit. I don't know if changing countries would help.

If I did upset anyone with what I said about the States, I sincerely apologize. I honestly don't get this place (the US), but I do love it as much as it scares me. It really does scare me, but that is my perception and my problem to solve. I sometimes forgot that ideas are attached to people and I have to develop an idea of what that means.

But as an aspie, I lettered in three sports in HS, also took a hot blonde to my prom and was in the top 1% in science nationally. I have a strange knack for being able to do things I shouldn't be able to. I get the idea that if I decided to live wherever in the world I choose, I would find a way to do it. I didn't hit a 90 mph fastball until I was 34. I think I could hack a friendly border from the good position I am in now.

Regardless of my plans or questions, I want to take responsibility for opening up a discussion that could lead to strong opinions, then not taking care with my own tone. I am slow to realize how my thoughts may affect others. Please, accept my apologies.

I love you all, and I'm devastated at the prospect of making your visits here a bad experience.


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06 Mar 2014, 1:01 am

I like Paper Mache Bears. I am making one because I am a biology nut.

- the true B


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06 Mar 2014, 4:13 am

^^I don't understand what it is that you are apologising for.^^

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06 Mar 2014, 4:36 am

babybird wrote:
^^I don't understand what it is that you are apologising for.^^

I've become so paranoid about offending people (and the thought horrifies me so much) that I always assume I have. I don't know how to manage that, and I didn't realize how bad it was. This needs attention. I've had very damaging psych treatment over the years, but nothing for autism except the diagnosis.


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06 Mar 2014, 4:43 am

^^Oh right. Well you haven't offended me, so I wouldn't worry about that.^^

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06 Mar 2014, 5:22 am

i was lost in space until i landed in the UK, and then i was lost on earth.
i would prefer to be lost in empty space so i took control of the jupiter 2 and returned to nowhere.

very low resolution warning. (it is an accurate rendition of the flight dynamics and capabilities of the space craft however). i have the solar shutters closed on the flight deck windows for the exit.



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06 Mar 2014, 11:58 am

I live in the United Kingdom, within the urban area of South Wales, really if You think about it the UK is pretty much just US lite, in terms of culture that is, that's where a lot of similarities stop.

The weather here is not that bad cold but not freezing winters and cool but not boiling summers however if You're used to having scorching hot summers every year with no rain a month straight, You may be in a bit of a shock when You come here, the weather usually never stays the same for more than a few days.

Anyway it ain't all bad, healthcare is free, however the NHS is seen as a joke here so some may prefer private healthcare insurance if they wish for speedy healthcare.

The two main political parties here are Labour and the Conservatives, Labour are the closest You're get to democrats and Conservatives are the closest You're get to Republicans.

Anyway if You wish to move to the UK I suggest You move to a bustling area like London, because most of urban areas in the UK have been hit pretty big by the recession, so if a you want to get an easy start move somewhere like Manchester or London where jobs arn't as hard to get.


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06 Mar 2014, 12:42 pm

Don't worry GrandTuringSedan, no need to apologize. We've all been trying to tell you that the grass really isn't greener here. But perhaps something gets lost in the translation, that old joke about being separated by a common language. There are plenty of good things about living in the States, and plenty of good things about living in the UK. People tend to be the same wherever you go, there are good ones and bad ones. My suggestion to you would be to look around the USA a bit. It's been my experience that there are regional differences that are quite significant.

I do hope we haven't put you off the whole idea of visiting, we love Yanks and their American dollars.

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow. I feel my fate in what I cannot fear. I learn by going where I have to go. ~Theodore Roethke

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06 Mar 2014, 1:38 pm

I live in the south of England. I can say there are some advantages and disadvantages, although clearly this is only from my perspective and how I view the place.
The weather is alright- it does rain quite a bit and the wind is pretty cold sometimes. In the summer it can be nice though. Flooding is a problem and any snow does tend to bring the place to a standstill.
I'm not going to complain about the healthcare, since it does a brilliant job. It is difficult to get a doctor's appointment however, and hospital/accident & emergency waiting times can be a few hours. Mental health services are quite difficult to access to. On the whole however the healthcare is pretty good.
The political situation isn't great. If you're politically centre-right, it's OK, but if you're not, it's a problem. There are no main left wing parties, and there is virtually nothing on the far-left either at all. Labour, Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives are pretty much the same, and none of them are that great, which is why there is such political apathy over here.
I really dislike London, since it's really crowded and expensive, and across most of the south the traffic is very busy. Prices are quite high in general, and there is quite a noticeable divide in the richest and poorest areas. There is quite a range of things to do: there are some good theme parks/amusement parks, some good museums and country parks.

Shy, awkward 16 year old communist girl whose main interests are 9/11, roller coasters and the 1917 Russian Revolution. I might not have any friends but somehow I have a really amazing boyfriend :)