I've been many different people in my dreams. I've been a little girl with blonde hair in braids, a ten year old boy, a forty year old man, a teenage girl, a teenage boy, a younger version of myself, an older version of myself, a dog, an angel, and interstingly enough a claymation looking boy who looked like he belonged in a psych ward (the whole dream kinda look liked that). Sometimes I've even seen myself as a different character in my dream when I wasn't myself.
Usually when I'm not myself something really bad happens to whoever I am. The ten year old, forty year old, and teenage girl were all in the same dream. The world had ended and they lived on a different planet (they had to go there to escape the destruction of the earth). It was a communist type place and they were outlaws. It was very sad.
When I was a teenage boy, well, I won't tell you exactly what happened, but he ended up in a prison type place with white walls. He wrote stuff in blood on the walls, it wasn't pleasant.
When I was an angel... I don't remember much but I think I was fighting something and losing. The place I was in was destroyed and I think I died.
I've never actually had a good dream, but it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who is different people in my dreams. I don't typically tell people my dreams because they're usually pretty violent and disturbing.