What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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what's the last weirdest dream you had, by type?
*I dream weird Technicolor dreams most of the time! :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I dream mostly vivid but totally "normal" dreams generally. :salut: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I tend to dream "average" blah dreams. :| 4%  4%  [ 26 ]
*I generally dream in vivid colors and sounds :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I tend to dream in average/subdued colors and subdued/muted sounds :| 5%  5%  [ 32 ]
*I dream only in shades of gray. :| 0%  0%  [ 3 ]
*I never seem to remember my dreams. :| 9%  9%  [ 59 ]
*I have mostly good dreams :) 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
*I have mostly nightmares or night fillies :help: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I LUCIDLY DREAM! :star: :colors: 14%  14%  [ 93 ]
*I wanna nice yummy ice cream! :chef: 9%  9%  [ 57 ]
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18 Dec 2014, 6:02 am

when i was sick with a stomach virus and unable to eat or drink and got dehydrated, i dreamt i was a tigger in the jungle and smelled the blood of a deer and leapt on it.

i'd never, ever kill an innocent animal in REAL life. but in a dream, well...

Blogging about childhood and adulthood with Asperger and my own personl experience with rage attacks, shutdowns, social phobias etc. https://aspergerlifeblog.wordpress.com/


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18 Dec 2014, 5:51 pm

you didn't kill anything, you just borrowed some of it's blood is all :lol:


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19 Dec 2014, 3:26 pm

i dreamt i was in some manse i'd never visited before, it was shaped like a giant chalet with a steep peaked roof, and surrounding it on the third floor was a wraparound balcony that was visible through large plate glass windows surrounding the upper floors. meanwhile all through this dream in the background was playing the song "mr. ghost comes to town." i walked through one of the sliding glass doors out onto the balcony when what to my surprise, was that there was fresh cement on the walkways that nobody had bothered to put up warning signs to deter premature visitors. so my feet sank up to the ankles in this fresh cement, and i sheepishly sloshed back inside, my socks were soaked in cement, don't know why i wasn't wearing any shoes but in any case i left nasty cement footprints all over the shiny dark walnut flooring and throw rugs in this mansion, and i feared arousing the wrath of the manse' owners so i tried my best to wipe up the mess with my bare hands [the only thing i had available] but to no avail as i just spread the cement around even more messily, and i just made the cement stains worse on the throw rugs as well, and i briefly thought of gathering up the throw rugs to wipe up the cement and then put them in a washing machine but i had no idea where such was kept in this manse. then i briefly thought of taking the dirty throw rugs home with me, exchanging them for some of my own dirty laundry then thought "that doesn't make any sense, now, does it?" then i awoke. :huh:


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22 Dec 2014, 6:12 pm

i dreamt that i was watching this all as though it was on the TV news- tiger woods was given a billion dollar[!] contract to quit golf and start playing baseball but he was such a lousy player that his contract was finagled out of after just one year. :?:


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23 Dec 2014, 3:46 pm

i dreamt i was sitting on a chair in my parents' old garage, when this robin's egg-blue nash ambassador station wagon came pulling up the driveway and into the garage, and a couple stepped out of it i hadn't seen in decades that were acquaintances of my parents. i noticed at that point that the car was severely rusted with a crude paint job covering over the rust but barely, with many bits of rust visible. aside from the rust the car sounded wonderful, purring like a kitten. there was also extensive bondo applied to many spots and the entire rear quarter panel appeared to have been reconstructed out of bondo. then all at once the wagon morphed into a giant motor home which amazingly enough made the garage expand to contain it, and it also was robin's egg-blue with rust all over it and bondo'd body sections. suddenly some old man sitting in a chair across from me, wearing a straw hat, noticed this also, and i commented to him about the bondo'd rear quarter and he laughed. then i awoke. strange. :huh:


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26 Dec 2014, 11:11 pm

i dreamt i was relaxing in my tin can when a neighbor unexpectedly barged into my house without even knocking first, and i gently upbraided her for that, to which she paid no mind. she was dressed in dark red from head to toe, in gauzy fabric. then she went into my bedroom and got onto my bed, and i followed her into there. then all of a sudden, as i got onto my bed, this weird creature about the size of a beach ball but constructed just like a giant dandelion puff, materialized and started attacking me with a bunch of little spider bites. each "tine" of the puffball had a spider at the end of it, but it behaved just like one solid creature with one mind. i ran from it and it followed me down the hall, then i got a vacuum cleaner and tried to suck it up but it refused to be sucked up. then i found myself in the kitchen of my relation's house where their eldest daughter was talking to me about the reason a recently deceased celeb's floating head image [whose facial expression changed each time i looked away then looked back up] was floating in the eastern sky above the house, but that reason didn't translate into anything logical when i awoke. :huh:


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30 Dec 2014, 3:16 pm

I dreamt I was in this jet airliner, and we were steadily ascending at a high rate of speed, it was set up to be supersonic- then all of a sudden the fuselage fractured and we were all thrust into midair with the aircraft disintegrating all around us and the wind and noise were tremendous, but I remember feeling not the expected abject fear but instead a welcoming sensation that I was soon to be in heaven. then I awoke. :huh:


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30 Dec 2014, 3:38 pm

I had a dream this morning that felt more like a cartoon.

My alarm clock was going off. Instead of waking me up, I dreamed about it.

In my dream, I couldn't stop the alarm clock. No matter what I did, it kept ringing. I unplugged it from the wall outlet. Still ringing. I hit it with a hammer multiple times. Still ringing. I finally decided to throw it away, but while I'm walking to the recycling center, I kept running into people I knew all of whom commented on my still ringing alarm clock.


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30 Dec 2014, 3:48 pm

Alarm Clock
To see or hear an alarm clock in your dream represents your anxieties and fixation with time. You fear that you do not have enough time to meet your deadlines or accomplish your goals.


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01 Jan 2015, 2:44 pm

had the weirdest dream, was back in some kind of school, was an eager student, but sort of disconnected... having a sense of completion or graduation, i walked outside of the classroom and wandered around to other classrooms, ducked into some of them while the classes were in session. in one of them were a bunch of older adults practicing sign language while speaking orally with one another, they were challenging each other to do math problems via ASL. had never seen or heard anything like that before, and as a conscious first it was in STEREO with voices coming from left through right. then I went outside into the parking lot but there were no cars. then I awoke. there was more to the dream but my full bladder wiped the memories away. but all throughout the song "you've got a friend in me" was playing somewhere, superimposed on top of the dream as though i had mixed it in on top of the dream soundtrack. :huh:


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03 Jan 2015, 12:36 pm

i had fragments of remembered dreams this morning- i dreamt i was riding a bus that was high-speed like a japanese bullet train but was constrained by dense traffic. we pulled into a left turn lane headed for my old workplace, only for some reason it turned into a tall bridge with a chasm underneath, and the bus was on the concrete divider barrier on the side of the bridge which turned on its side, and was balanced on one bank of wheels, and i was riding on top of the bus sitting on top of another concrete divider thing atop the bus, and it was very tipsy and it took all i could do not to fall off into the chasm below. then it segued into my kitchen where i grabbed a chocolate bar, opened the wrapper only to find a large chocolate brown hairy spider sorta ooze away from me. strange. :scratch:


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07 Jan 2015, 9:13 pm

interesting dream I had, I dreamt about being in Canada and walking uphill until I was on top of a mountain over the sea, there were lots of trees and forest as we were further back from the sea. and the tall white house I saw was on top of the hill surrounded by trees, with an approx. 100' clearing all around. my "guide" was a Canadian, that was all I could remember, and he led me down the wooded hill beside the house which was steep to the point where I had to grab hold of skinny trees to keep from falling over. :huh:


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08 Jan 2015, 8:34 am

My latest dream is able to... not really able to, just barely flying over my hometown with a setting after months siege. I see few buildings in ruins, but people around seem stable and normal. I kept trying to look for beaches which I never been for so long, but I just end up finding swimming pools, lakes, and clear canals instead.

Odd, every-time I'm in control or aware of my dreams, how come I always cannot stay in flight for no more than 2 minutes? It's like I'm still struggling to maintain afloat or at least flying. I have to land again then jump/runaway to fly again. I'm not afraid of heights, I enjoy it. :(

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08 Jan 2015, 8:48 am

The weirdest dream I ever had is when my ex and I get back together. Like it's so awkward. Haha


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08 Jan 2015, 8:20 pm

strange dreams again, remembered the last bit, i was with a hotel manager and tv news crew in some hotel room that had hosted an orgy [very explicit], saw the last bits of it before the people fled. they left upon the bedcovers a can of bug spray [DDT but in a bright modern packaging]. the hotel manager was cussing them out for the mess while the news crew was recording it all and the news caster was saying this was a continuing occurrence. then it segued into a new-agey type of tv set with futuristic "OMMMM...." sound effects playing and a beautiful people couple dressed in beige [india] hindu attire [sari and such] were sitting on risers upon the floor, a man and a woman- the man grabbed a large gallon glass pan filled with orange juice and sip-sip-sipped it all down in about a minute, and in the dream as I was watching him I marveled at his drinking efficiency and thought to myself I could not duplicate that. then I awoke. :o


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08 Jan 2015, 8:21 pm

Edna3362 wrote:
My latest dream is able to... not really able to, just barely flying over my hometown with a setting after months siege. I see few buildings in ruins, but people around seem stable and normal. I kept trying to look for beaches which I never been for so long, but I just end up finding swimming pools, lakes, and clear canals instead. Odd, every-time I'm in control or aware of my dreams, how come I always cannot stay in flight for no more than 2 minutes? It's like I'm still struggling to maintain afloat or at least flying. I have to land again then jump/runaway to fly again. I'm not afraid of heights, I enjoy it. :(

that sounds like lucid dreaming to me! :wtg: