appreciate those who are kind to you and be indifferent about the rest, that's what i do.
justkillingtime wrote:
Some of the psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors do care. At least a small number go into the field because they are compassionate.
oh i know there is
some, i was never doubting it. i simply haven't gotten that impression from all of mine that i've gone through.
i've been shorter on non-school time as of late, and won't be able to see my shrink as often.
Booyakasha wrote:
Yeah, they do, and highest conglomeration of them I've found here
same....thanks for coming back!
and i haven't forgotten the pics! i have around 65-70. is that a lot...? they're on PB right now, just have to caption/edit em.
ImAnAspie wrote:
Kiprobalhato, I thank you very much. You're a friend on WP (you're on my friends list).
I haven't been able to get your username out of my head for the past 3 days.
It's like a broken record.
Once again, I thank you very much. I do honestly appreciate your hugs. I don't know when they'll have a bed for me and as I've stated before, I'll have no contact with the outside world for the first week (
) but don't think I'm ignoring you. As soon as I get Babsy back (my Laptop), I'll contact you.
I really feel wanted here on WP. There have been so many people who have come out of the woodwork expressing concern for me and wishing me well
I love it here! It's actually better than my family. They've abandoned me. I'm not even going to tell them I'm going into hospital. Let's just wait and see how long it takes for them (Mum, sister, my only family) to figure out I'm missing and for how long.
- Then it's time for a prank
and i thank
you muchly for being my friend, also. and, welcome
i have to be in bed right now techically speaking, and i'm typing this. i swear they have to literally pull me from the computer sometimes, lol. hope they let you know soon for an availability. but why no contact for the first week?
ps: if i had the chance, i would change my SN to
Kiprobaltad different form of the same hungarian verb, i think it means 'tried', 'have you tried'. or something.
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