Dear ______,
If you look for an attack, you will find it, even in the most innocent of posts. I know depression well, and I have studied my own brain to understand it better, and I have found that it will take the most boring sentence and turn it into an attack. Someone could ask me to pass the salt and I would feel attacked by it, for no reason at all.
Since I have learned this, I have learned to step back and examine the situation, and to try never to respond while depressed, angry, or otherwise impaired. That way I don't overreact and create a massive problem that ends up making everything worse not only for myself, but for others as well because I in turn attacked them for a perceived assault.
I feel vaguely responsible for the mess, as you didn't fully understand my comment and because of that, more misunderstandings came about due to the emotional nature, but I posted it as a speculation, not an opinion, and opinions came out and were misunderstood.
No one communicates exactly the same as anyone else, and it's severely impacted when one is being affected by depression (i.e. misconstruing things as negative when they're not). I try very hard to disconnect my feelings when posting, especially if it's a controversial subject, and I try very hard to understand how someone else might be thinking if they respond with something different than what I believe. I have seen what happens when people take things too emotionally, logic flies out the window and reality is twisted, and nothing good comes of it. Feelings get hurt on all sides and I have seen many friendships end because of it.
Most sincerely yours,
Your Aspie score: 171 of 200
Your Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 40 of 200