A Step Closer to Being Behind the Wheel

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Mar 2016, 3:04 pm

I'm pumped today, I passed my written permit test with flying colors (perfect score), and the vision test (I don't wear prescription glasses or contacts), and I now have my driver's instruction permit. I'll be calling my local area driving school to start the actual driving lessons hopefully as soon as next week. I'm excited but also nervous especially just thinking about the driving exam I'll have to do to get my actual license. I've taken driver's ed in high school and passed (with a B I think), but chickened out when it came to take the driving exam. This was 10 years ago. I'm 29 now, and decided that for various reasons I should give it another shot and see where it goes.

Getting the permit is the first step however, but thinking about all the stuff I'm going to have to do perfectly when it comes to test time freaks me out enough to give me headaches and make me sick to my stomach. I have Asperger's Syndrome and (AS), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), So in addition to being nervous especially about new experiences, I tend to 'over think' things and get myself worked up (often for nothing). Anyone have any advice on what I should do at this stage, or to help calm my nerves so that I'm not a nervous wreck when it comes to the driving exam?


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09 Mar 2016, 7:39 pm

You could talk to a doc/psych about getting your anxiety treated. You might could get something to take as needed for a short time like a beta-blocker or a benzodiazepine. Beta-blickers can also be taken regularly long-term or you could get an antidepressant for long-term use which could also help anxiety or you could try Buspar which is the only med specially for anxiety & not a benzo. Buspar helps my anxiety alot without any side-effects.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Mar 2016, 11:21 pm

On and have been on Wellburtin for several years which helps with mood swings and I've tried Paxil for anxiety with nasty side-effects even on a low introductory dose for a few days. Tried upping the Wellburtin from 150mg daily to 150mg twice days for 300mg per day, which helped a little, but after a couple weeks it made my eyes hurt like they were going to pop out and making my eyes so sensitive that I practically had to live in sunglasses, so the dose was reduced back to the previous one which eliminated much of the side-effects. In the past I was on Zoloft for a time between 2008 and 2009 which did help, but my weight ballooned to 160LBS from 130LBS after just a year taking it. Luckily anxiety leveled off and dropped, so I was eventually able to get off it. I really don't want to have to go back on the Zoloft as I've been trying to lose a bit of weight and going back on it might reverse my efforts.

Not really sure what to do. Seems like whenever I try something it back fires with tons of side-effects for little gain or has no effect whatsoever.


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09 Mar 2016, 11:38 pm

I wish you the best of luck in getting your driver's license. :)

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12 Mar 2016, 3:32 pm

This was me after buying another car last week:


Being able to drive around is true freedom in a lot of places vs. being stuck at/near home or using a horribly inefficient transit system. Good luck with your learning & tests. Sweet, sweet, freedom awaits! Or at leas the ability to drive when I have to, either in an emergency, or as a designated driver, or once in a while when you can borrow wheels.. its nice to have all of those options for sure.

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13 Mar 2016, 2:18 pm

Congratulations on your permit! :)
I have a license and have for almost two years, but I have terrible driving anxiety. I hate driving long distances and like getting rides or carpooling whenever possible (I always offer gas money). When I do drive, I can't have the radio on because it distracts me too much. I agree definitely that driving is freedom and I wish you the best of luck :D

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Tufted Titmouse
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22 Mar 2016, 11:26 pm

Been about 10+ days since I've updated this. I've been out on a couple of drives with the instructor and so far it hasn't been too terribly bad. I've so far done some in town driving, roundabouts, some parking, and some highway/interstate time. First lesson was rough as one would expect, jerky stops, accelerations, and steering. Instructor had to use his secondary break a couple of times as I was trying to get a feel for the vehicle. Second time which was today was better. At the very beginning and end I had some issues with having a bad habit of pressing the accelerator when turning and that leads to some 'interesting wee times', but instructor didn't have to use the break and I was able to correct the car each time. Just need to get a better feel for some of those sharp turns, and taking it slower especially while I'm still learning.

Next lesson is Friday and it's scheduled to be a mix of some city driving, a bit of highway, and some parking, particularly parallel parking (not looking forward to, but luckily isn't on the road test. Good to know how to do it though.). If we have time we might sneak a uphill park, and or a three point turn (which is on the exam.) Hopefully within a week or so I can get some more practice in the family car, and probably a few more lessons to sharpen my skills and more importantly continue to build my confidence. Instructor seems to think I'll be at road test level (exam ready) by the next lesson, but I want to do a few more especially since practice can be hard to get at times, and getting used to having someone else in the car for when the examiner sits in that seat. If all goes well I'll likely give the road test a go around the middle of April, or about 3.5 weeks from now (around the 15-18th-ish range).

Instructor seems to think I'll do fine as long as I work on those fast turns, and parking skills, but passing lanes, stops, accelerations, and reversing seem to be coming along just fine as well as navigating various intersections. If and when I do get my license I think the folks are going to set up something special to celebrate like a night out, or fondue at home as well as possibly some other things.

Tufted Titmouse
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29 May 2016, 3:28 pm

I passed my driver's exam on April 21st after a failure on April 19th due to blowing a stop sign at the very start of the exam (test anxiety got to me and some how I missed the stop sign even though it was very obvious). Second exam I got a nice examiner who gave me some hints like "At the Stop Sign, turn right.", or "At the next traffic light turn left". After he noticed I was calming down and not appearing as anxious he then would proceed to just say "At the intersection..." just like the previous examiner had. Second time however was the charm and I ended up passing with almost a perfect score. If I missed any it was probably for not scanning enough, or other very minor stuff. I then took the exam paper and my picture taken, then received my license. I was proud of myself as I've conquered a major hurdle that I've for nearly 15 years struggled to achieve.

It wasn't all cheery however, as back when I failed the first exam especially once it was pointed out why I failed so quickly, I was extremely upset and disappointed in myself. I know my supporters where like, well you had test anxiety, or you'll do better next time now that you know how the exam will take place. Despite this I was almost to the point of crying as I thought that I was so prepared that I would ace it the first time. I for a moment almost wanted to give up, but my mother was like don't be so hard on yourself, you'll do better next time. As well as the metaphorical getting back on the horse thing. I then said I'd give it another shot in a couple days as I had to wait at least one day since I had a major infraction and couldn't test right away like if it was a minor one.

I also felt better on the second day because my driving instructor was there with another student and he didn't pass his first time due to not stopping at a flashing crosswalk sign even though he slowed down and looked both ways before proceeding once he saw that there was no pedestrians . Apparently your supposed to treat it like a stop sign if the crosswalk lights are flashing and come to a complete stop before the crosswalk then look both ways before proceeding even if there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk or waiting to cross. A lot of people don't know that, and even my mom whom has like 35 years of experience didn't know. After seeing that someone else didn't pass on their first try helped me not be quite so embarrassed that I didn't on my first try.

Since then I continue to gradually build confidence while driving and get better at judging distances and timing better, though for some reason parking can still be an issue at times, especially perpendicular parking where the spaces are at right angles, or I come into a space at a weird angle. I'm sure this will improve gradually with time and practice.

Thanks to those that supported me from this site. it was appreciated! Now it's on to the next thing... Getting a job perhaps or going back to college?


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29 May 2016, 4:14 pm

Get a job at a college! :D

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