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28 Jul 2016, 9:04 am

I've eaten by myself, and be the solitary diner, in a few restaurants in the past - Indian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Yeah, it bothers me, but a lot of times there's a newspaper lying around somewhere. In fact, I actually make a point of getting one of those free weekly newsmagazines from the kiosks around town to keep me company.

Yes, I do have to psyche myself into it, but I'd just hate missing out on eating something nice just because I'm alone. Plus, here in Seattle, just walking around, you see quite a few single people, males and females, eating by themselves in restaurants. It looks sad, but it is kinda like the norm around here.


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28 Jul 2016, 9:07 am

falling in a narrow hole upside down or getting stuck


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28 Jul 2016, 10:09 pm

Down escalators. I hate them, I usually take like 10 seconds to step onto them holding up everyone behind me. Up escalators, not as bad.


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29 Jul 2016, 7:57 am

Someone crawling into my room through my window. Also, vacuum cleaners.

Life ... that's what leaves the mess. Mad people everywhere.


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30 Jul 2016, 6:52 pm

redrobin62 wrote:
I've eaten by myself, and be the solitary diner, in a few restaurants in the past - Indian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Yeah, it bothers me, but a lot of times there's a newspaper lying around somewhere. In fact, I actually make a point of getting one of those free weekly newsmagazines from the kiosks around town to keep me company.

Yes, I do have to psyche myself into it, but I'd just hate missing out on eating something nice just because I'm alone. Plus, here in Seattle, just walking around, you see quite a few single people, males and females, eating by themselves in restaurants. It looks sad, but it is kinda like the norm around here.

Interesting - I am fairly strongly adverse to eating with other people, either alone or in a room full of them. I just sort of dissociate to get through it, but as you point out, the idea is to *enjoy* the food!

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17 Aug 2016, 8:17 pm

I was reading about traffic laws in different parts of the world and I thought here it was bad. I thank whatever gods exist if they do that I don't live in Nigeria. It said that if you stop at a red light while driving you are considered mentally ret*d (their words, not mine), and if you're a pedestrian you run when crossing the street unless suicide is a phrase that fascinates you.

Also I read people there think all laws are made NOT to be obeyed. Yeah, that's pretty much my worst nightmare. If they don't care if they run over people, then they won't care about kidnapping and rape and stealing and abuse and arson and... apparently the only way to get the police to do anything is to bribe them. Sheesh! 8O


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17 Aug 2016, 8:57 pm

* Portuguese millipedes. I won't get in the shower without looking for them first, and if I see one in my room at night and then I don't know where it went, I'll go to sleep in the living room. My own hair scares me because sometimes I think it's a millipede if it moves and feels like something fell on me.

* Cooked eggs. I don't care how they're cooked. If someone eats them, I make them wash their hands once they've eaten them, and for the next few days, I'll use the bowls, plates and cutlery from the bottom of the pile so I don't use the ones that got used to eat egg with until they've been washed a few times. It's because they stink, but it's not only that. I don't know what it is. I won't touch them and I don't want to get cooked egg on me. I don't like seeing people shaking boiled eggs off of forks, either. It looks creepy somehow.

* Getting my earrings ripped out/ear piercings stretched. I won't wear heavy earrings, and I used to walk with my hands over my ears when it was windy so the wind couldn't make my earrings move around and rip them out. I think of it being like not being able to hold a heavy bag anymore and the bag getting heavier until you drop it or think you'll drop it.

* Getting on escalators. I wait until the top step changes two or three times or until it looks like it will stay there and not move too fast. One day last year, I couldn't get on it at all because I kept imagining myself falling down it, and then I didn't know what to do and stood there with my arms over the side of it. The people behind me helped me get off it. I felt stupid and it was embarrassing.

* Cuttlefish bones. I don't know why. My sister thinks it's funny, so she used to chase me through the house with them and whenever she got close enough, she would rub them on my skin.

* Falling over. When it rains or the ground is wet, I look at the floor and walk very slowly, like a duck, so I won't slip.

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18 Aug 2016, 7:19 pm

mosquitoes - I almost have a meltdown from the sound of one. I can't stand it.

mud dauber nests and termite tunnels - I'm not afraid of these bugs, but for some reason, the mere sight of their nests sends me into panic mode. I refuse to go into the shed in my backyard for this very reason.


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26 Aug 2016, 11:09 am

I'm afraid of dumb people. 8O

Seriously, the internet is a breeding ground for people who are so incredibly dumb that I fear for our survival as a species. And they're everywhere! This isn't like something that can be easily avoided.

I think sometimes that there might be a disease that is decreasing people's wisdom and common sense, and even worse it's extremely contagious, and every time I make a mistake, I think oh no I must have it, too. :(

And that's why there are so many people who would rather let their children get sick with diseases that can be prevented with vaccines, which not only endangers their lives but treating them costs *more* money than just vaccinating them, and the most insidious of politicians become candidates, and there are "reality" programs instead of shows where people actually have talent and skill and personality, and they believe in utter nonsense like Christian science or creationism and say things like you're going to hell just for getting a blood transfusion that could end up saving your life.

And nothing you say will make them walk away thinking "Gee I never thought of that before, maybe they're right". Because they don't THINK. :x


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26 Aug 2016, 3:27 pm

Triskaidekaphobia: Fear Of The Number 13

Chorophobia: Fear Of Dancing
{Even though my GF and I both have this phobia, we danced the other day at an outdoor concert, which is where we went for our date.}

Syngenesphobia: Fear Of Relatives
{This is one reason why I avoid my grandma and/or my uncles whenever they visit.}

Chronophobia: Fear Of Time Passing

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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26 Aug 2016, 3:47 pm

Math teachers: I have had a bad experience with every single math teacher I've ever had and now I'm terrified of anyone who teaches math...kind of silly I know.

Water: I'm scared of being in lakes, pools, baths. I'm always scared that there will be a shark or a sea monster that will grab me and pull me under. I've always had this fear, even though I know its completely illogical. :?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Aug 2016, 8:24 pm

Weird fears I have:

Scotomaphobia or fear of going blind in the visual sense. I have had recurring dreams where I have lost my sight or slowly losing my sight.

I have a fear of thunder and lightning. I REALLY hate thunderstorms, but I am rather fond of rain.

Sudden noises, such as toilets flushing and hand dryers in public restrooms.

Being without a bathroom nearby. This is why when I go on an excursion on a bus, I want a seat near a window or closest to the bathroom.


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28 Aug 2016, 9:58 pm

Fear of riding as a passenger in a car ever since my last car crash I was in as a passenger. My heart constantly races and I feel like cars will run lights and hit the car in riding in. Oddly enough this fear is non existent if I am driving.

I am afraid of wasps and bumblebees. I managed to drastically desensitize my fear of regular bees in the past few years.

I am terrified of centipedes more than any other insect.


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29 Aug 2016, 12:50 pm

I'm going for a day out to the seaside on Thursday, I'm travelling by train and I'm absolutely sh*****g myself. It's a double whammy because I have developed a fear of being too far away from home as well. and to cap it all off my daughter decided that she wanted to watch "Final destination" today. I know it probably all sounds very silly but just before I left from work last Friday I said to my manager "You might never see me again".

I am also terrified of flying as well.

I also have a fear of floods or any water that's in a place where water shouldn't be.

I hate tight spaces.

The list could go on but I don't want to bore you any longer.

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29 Aug 2016, 1:27 pm

Public washrooms because they send my OCD into overdrive. They are just so digusting.


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29 Aug 2016, 1:35 pm

I have this hard-wired fear of things moving behind me, especially people. I am happiest with my back to a wall, but even if I know someone safe is behind me or no one, I vividly feel like something might grab or harm me.

I thought it was trauma-related, but am now thinking it's something in the neural wiring. I didn't realize it was an autistic thing until reading The Speed of Dark by Elisabeth Moon.

I swallowed a bug.