firemonkey wrote:
Does anyone think there is a difference between intelligence as measured by an IQ test and the ability to apply intelligence to real life, practical situations?
While probably (at least my pdocs think I'm highly/very intelligent)scoring highly on the former I tend to struggle with the latter.
I am not good at finding practical solutions to real life problems.
No, I think there are different types of intelligence. Should social skills b considered a separate type of intelligence? I dont think it is, because very stupid people can be very social or have amazing social skills. Social skills are based on value systems within a community and social skills that work for one community do not necessarily work for another. I think certain communities can reject a person even if they imitated or genuinely adopted that communities' values and communication style, based on personal predjudices. Autistic people are often very bright. What do you think? Is it more a value system thing?