Dreams? situations and reoccuring places.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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Location: Somewhere in Colorado
Uhh does anyone else get sort of realistic dreams with plots, whether it makes sense or not. I get a lot of rather vivid dreams, some just weird and/or annoying and some downright scary. Like this morning I had a dream my thumb was bleeding and I couldn't get it to stop...then I felt like I had to throw up and dreamed I was throwing up my insides and was about to die and that's when I woke up. Or maybe it was supposed to be period crap I was vomiting as that started today, but in the dream I figured it was my guts and got short of air and felt like I was going to die till I woke up...I just know it was red and gross. I was still freaked out about it when I woke up but then determined it would be very unlikely for that to happen.
Then I went back to sleep after waking from that to dream about a cop trying to raid my house, who I wouldn't let in because they had no warrant and I was trying to protect someone or something...then other weird crap untill I finally decided to get up to stop having weird dreams.
But I also keep having dreams of reoccuring places, some which appear to be based on real life places I have been, and some are totally random creations of my dreams that still persist from time to time. Like It would seem I have a dream movie theater, a swimming pool, a series of houses, various hotels I hang out in, schools I go to that I'm trying to escape as well as mental hospitals....even a dream mall with stores that repeat themselves in any dreams involving being in a mall. Like there is seriously a whole virtual non-existant world in my dreams that reoccurs in various dreams. Also in the past me and my brother figured out we had a couple of the same dreams but different parts of them...like one where I was investigating this creepy attic and looked downwards out a window and saw someone I recognized and then he said he had a dream he looked up into an attic and saw me and I asked him if the window was cracked and then he described how it looked to him and it seems like in the dreams I looked out and saw him and he looked up and saw me in the attic. I mean wtf I've heard siblings having simular dreams but like litterally the same one form different perspectives? So that was weird.
Does anyone else have any weird dream stories or reoccuring things in dreams.
We won't go back.

Joined: 24 Aug 2009
Age: 47
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I don't remember dreams all that often anymore... maybe one or two every other month or so. But I used to have reoccurring dreams a lot as a teen. One of the most common ones was this alien abduction type dream that was rather pleasant. I'd always be in the same room they kept me in, had the same alien who would come check on me and bring me things... I was being held there and observed, though never injured. It was like a people zoo or something. I was one of the more cooperative people in the people zoo, so my designated alien would sometimes bring me hysterical new people so I could help calm them down... it was this whole story thing that went on for about a year off an on... it just kept on building from where it left off the last time. Bizarre.
I also used to have dreams with some post apocalyptic type setting. It was the same city setting fr these dreams and sometimes I'd be on the abandoned warehouse buildings on the river, other times in a residential neighborhood or somewhere between the two. The plot/story line was not always the same or related. One time I was in one of the warehouse type buildings and this laser thing was scanning the room, another time I was hiding in a residential house from these dinosaur type monster things. Other times there was no danger, just the same destroyed city... some of those were normal life things like going to work or having to hang laundry but in this wrecked city... like nothing was wrong.
I think the weirdest one though was a dream where I was 'watching' this guys life through other people's eyes. I had those dreams for months a few years back. Like one night I would be at a party and dude was there and from the perspective of the person I was that night, the dude might have seemed really annoying to me and I'd be largely ignoring him and trying to play cards. Then another night it would be the same party, same people, but I'd be someone else and that night the dude would be a friend of mine and I'd be trying to console him because his girlfriend of five years broke up with him and broke his heart. That dream followed a few years of some imaginary guys life that ended with him shooting himself in the head. It was messed up.
"...don't ask me why it's just the nature of my groove..."
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