Reptiles are cool and all, but I've never had one for a pet. If it was a snake or lizard that eats rodents I'd be too squeamish to feed them, even if the rodents are already dead.
Speaking of which, there's a Pet Smart store that opened up nearby only a couple of weeks ago. It's the biggest pet store I've ever seen! They even have a grooming salon and a place for training dogs. Anyway, they also have refrigerated boxes of "Arctic Mice" They are really frozen dead mice or small rats for feeding reptiles. I thought it was pretty gross. I know they gotta eat too, but I really don't enjoy the thought of holding a dead defrosted rodent by the tail and wiggling it so it looks alive.
I don't mind the live crickets and worms, though. Weird. Also I like frogs and amphibians better. I once kept a frog I'd caught at a pond in the summer as a pet for a while, and I caught him live flies and other bugs to eat. It was so cool seeing him flick out his tongue and catch them in a split second! I eventually released him back at the pond because I was worried he wasn't getting enough food, and it would get harder to feed him when the weather got colder.