True, but what I'm trying to say is that, left unmanaged, it can get pretty bad very quickly.
Try mining for example. You could try mining a chocolate chip cookie for the chocolate chips, but you'd pretty much demolish it looking for all the chocolate. even if you cleaned up the mess afterward, that cookie won't look just the same without the chocolate chips, it's going to be completely demolished.
Same with land. Sure, there are good ways of extracting resources with little environmental damage, but it will have an effect on the wildlife, plant life, and the land in general. Some lands are more adaptable to damage than others. A temperate deciduous forest is more likely to bounce back from a clear cut than a boreal forest would.
I'm not saying we shouldn't use the resources we have, I'm saying that we should be more careful with the resources we have.
Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3