Could be a sensory type deal, same reason that weighted blankets are sought out among us autists. I never like hugs but when I do give some one a hug it is usually very tight, but that is how it worked with my dad (who has a few aspie characteristics), he lacks the ability to express himself emotionally so hugging tightly takes out the mushy emotions. That is why I think I avoid hugs (besides physical human contact makes me uncomfortable) is that it brings out emotions that we don’t process well. So, the solution is to complete the act in the least emotional way. There are emotions, and the hug does imply “I care very much about you” but it isn’t long and ‘mushy’. But maybe the rib breaking is a bit too tight 
Diagnosed: High Functioning ASD 2013
Misdiagnosed (extremely likely): Bipolar II 2012
Feel free to message me if you want
Please understand that everything I write should be read with a grain of salt because I frequently adjust my views based on new information (just read a description of INTP that should explain better than I)