SilverShoelaces wrote:
I have never had any interest in the furry fandom, though I am familiar with it through conventions and from listening to my furry friends talk about it. I've even seen fanfiction and webcomics with furry characters. It generally seems to have a lot of negative hype about it, though (especially on 4chan!), probably because the vast majority of people assume that all furries have furry fetishes, which is an unfortunate (and rather mean) assumption.
Yes, exactly. I am usually secretive about being a furry, the only people knowing I am a furry being close friends. My parents have no clue. They would be ok with it, except they would probably google it and pull up a whole bunch of yiff and filth on their computer by accident. My older brother would kill me if he found out about me being a furry, or if he found my desk full of furry art that I draw.
Ironically, no such "furry fetish" exists to my knowledge, it is probably simply a way to get crap past the radar or part of the culture. Any fandom or geek culture that involves lots of fanfic and visual art will produce porn. Also, few people are smart enough to realize that the logical fallacy "
No True Scotsman" applies to furries just as much as any other fandom or group of people. Just look at this site. People are complete morons when it comes to furries.
Over, you do realize that that organization was an elaborate joke? Read the pamphlet they give you. It was drawn up by anon during the youtube furry war. I participated in that war towards the end of 2009 as first a sympathizer(I had friends in the fandom) and ally to the furries and later as a troll. This was when I first began to learn about trolling and that the internet was a world of its own with its own cultures. Before then, I thought it was just games, information, videos, and forums. I became an anon and only fell out recently because I find that culture to be filled with unfunny 15 year olds spouting memes from 2006. Next time I see a bunch of teenagers going to a con dressed in Guy Fawkes masks or afros with the Pool's Closed signs, I'm bringing a lighter and a can of aerosol. HOBOY ID BEH TRULIN DEM!