“Rho” crawled out of primordial soup of relay chat. When I was in high school, only one computer in the library had internet access, and that was for the whole school. Nobody really got to use it, and I didn’t get a computer until my senior year, and even IT never got on the internet. After a year at college it got a boot sector virus and was destroyed. It was quickly replaced, but for the most part internet access was limited.
My first exposure to the internet came in the form of college lab terminals where kids chatted on IRC, gamed on MUDs, and on occasion did research for class. Everything was text-only. In the entire university (yes, I said university) there were only TWO computers with graphical web browsers and IRC clients, and use of those was restricted.
“Rho” was born out of a desperate search for a permanent nick, and having pledged a frat and being exposed to the Greek alphabet it somehow just felt right.
I frequented the Efnet #friends where one of the users had “angel” as part of her nick. As a prank, everyone in the channel changed their nicks to “angel.” I liked it so much I never changed it back.
AngelRho was quirky, flirtatious, often inappropriate, and had a bizarre sense of humor back in those days. No less annoying than he is on WP, but probably much less abrasive. H3 w4s h1gh1y pr0n3 2 733tsp34k.
IRC eventually became overrun with bots and people quit talking. AngelRho went away for a while and resurfaced on SecondLife where he resumed his old antics. Due to money and time constraints plus the loss of high speed internet, AngelRho disappeared from SL. He occasionally checks in, but it’s rare.
I think of Rho as a sort of alter ego. He’s not the guy I am IRL, but more the guy I wish I could be. He gets to say everything I wish I could say. WP is probably not his best home. He likes getting into PPR discussions and is well established as a conservative. But L&D is his bread and butter since the Rho personality was always chasing women around IRC and later SL with varying degrees of success. He really thrived in rapid-fire text exchanges and was quick on his feet. WP women never really responded like others did, so all we really get to see of him on here is the darker, dryer side.
I’m not sure he’s really good for social media, but I’ve considered bringing Rho fully into the 21st century with Twitter, YouTube, and even Facebook. My closest IRL friends really don’t understand him, so I’m afraid if I let him loose he might get me in serious trouble, fired, arrested, maybe even deported or kidnapped by terrorists.
Pretty much his main function now is to separate the music I enjoy composing the most (ambient, electronic, Modern) from my more practical work (Contemporary Christian, church arranging and orchestration, education).