misha00 wrote:
Wondering does any herbalist or scientist sell drugs or compounds isolated from herbs?
It sounds like most herbalists just sell "whole herb extract"
I wouldn't try mixing raw herb material with any current medication you are taking as it will just make all your existing symptoms worse.
Steer clear of Bach remedies and St John's Wort and high strength stuff.
I actually saw a documentary recently that saw people needing liver transplants because of Green Tea extracted tablets and so, I would acoustics these and any scam pharmacy's on the Internet as they are not qualified or good and you are not having a proper one to one. I know some g.ps carry out web cam chats but this is done by your registered practitioner and I don't have it. I have been ill from taking certain ones and never felt great after so review what you feel you need to take or change, and only listen to formal case studies which can be brought up online or in feedback form, as the after effects are not worth it.
Avoid anything containing acid as this is not good either, if you have had a recent cerebral disturbance, or other sensory episode that could impair your long term judgement.