Ah. I think you saw what I put at the bottom. That is something that you can put as a little message at the bottom of every post you put up. I put this up as I am waiting assessment and I don't know if I have asperges or not etc. I really don't know if I get mild aspects where I may not be considered as having the condition, or if it is likely that I do have asperges etc. I initially joined this site to try to find if energy loss has anything to do with asperges or autism etc. I believe I have found out what I need to know. I believe I may be getting shutdowns which feel like energy loss. It is the only possibility that I have found which fits what I get, as everything else I have been tested for (E.g. diabetis, amenia, blood pressure etc... ).
Other aspects I get also fit. I didn't know they were traits of the autistic spectrum until recently. For me, in everyday life, only the shutdowns I would consider to be the worst part. The other parts I just thought were my character apart from prosoprognosia on occasions...