Woman wrote:
I have difficulty with old lady smells. I can't stand too close to my mother in law without gagging

Being "an old lady" as you put it, or an "elder" as I put it, I am offended by your "smelly" comment. It is an 'ageist" remark and unfounded. It is a myth that old people smell bad. Any one who does not practice good hygiene will smell bad. Young or old. If you want to help build a better future for yourself, start now by eliminating false beliefs. Perhaps your mother-in-law does have a bad odor. And yes, when I was young and didn't know any better, I would have LMAO at your comment. But it's not true and I'm only replying in this manner in your best interest. You will be old someday and I hope you will find that you still smell like a rose, or a Petunia, if you prefer. I would say the same thing to any of my 4 daughters, or 7 granddaughters, although they know me very well and could attest that I smell just fine.
Some articles you young folk might find interesting:
The armpit smells of old ladies are the latest mood-enhancing substances to be uncovered by scientists - but they warn that those of young men may have the reverse effect.
From Face Book - On Elder Hate