Why do people compare being gay to bestiality?

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19 Jun 2020, 2:23 pm

Why does homosexuality get compared to pedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality? Surely homosexuality has more in common with heterosexuality than homosexuality has in common with those three things. Both homosexuality and heterosexuality involve two consenting adult humans.

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19 Jun 2020, 4:53 pm

I wasn't aware people were still arguing about this.

It's a good thing I live in 2020. Hurray for global pandemic and BLM protests!


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19 Jun 2020, 5:42 pm

It (obviously) mainly boils down to people thinking homosexuality is immoral and a neurological/biological issue.

Heterosexuality is more common and has the function of producing offspring, so if you desire to have intercourse with someone of the same sex there are people that may think there's something biologically wrong with you, as doing so isn't the norm and "has no purpose". To these people, while they may appreciate and benefit from the emotional bonding aspect of sex with their own partners, they still view its main purpose as only to reproduce. If the sex you're having with your partner doesn't allow you to do that it means there's no real reason or benefit to it, so not desiring to have partners that would let you reproduce must mean there is an issue with you.

Once someones view goes into the outright "immoral" category it starts to get compared to things such as bestiality and pedophilia. Instead of just having a difference of preference in your partners that prevents you from producing offspring, there's something legitimately morally wrong with you and your actions. You don't just have a neurological issue, you're breaking some moral or social rule by having and acting on that attraction. These people think that most people are heterosexual, and that people who practice proper values should be heterosexual.

Some people with that opinion then view people with homosexual behaviour as outright predatory for one reason or another. Often to them sane, moral adults would not partake in those actions with you, so you must bring the risk of sexually abusing a child or animal. You obviously don't care about morality in the first place by desiring intercourse with someone of the same sex, so why would you stop at attempting to do so with human adults? How else could you partake in those actions if no respectable person would that with you?


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19 Jun 2020, 7:42 pm

It's considered "unnatural". And they ignore the issue of consent, and dont distinquished based on that.

A key plus a key equals zero. And a lock plus a lock equals zero. Only a key plus a lock equals anything.If ya get my drift. Or thats the logic. And like he said above...it doesnt lead to reproduction. So some folks view it as unnatural ergo in the same category of bestiality.

I agree with you that consensual sex between human adults, even of the same sex, is not in the same category as porking sheep, or underage children. But I get their logic.


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20 Jun 2020, 12:04 am

who the hell are you talking to? i have never heard that once in my entire life, TBH. i think whoever compares being gay to f*****g dogs probably isn't worth listening to.

don't you?

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20 Jun 2020, 12:18 am

I assumed this thread would be locked, for homophobic trolling.

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20 Jun 2020, 4:01 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I assumed this thread would be locked, for homophobic trolling.

I don't think he's trolling: there are indeed people who spout that kind of nonsense 8O , we even have a couple of members here who complained they have to censor their homophobia because it violates the rules.

I started writing a longer answer but realised all of it boils down to "haters gonna hate", in some form or another. Too many people are driven by irrationality and fear and are miserable enough so the only way they can feel good about themselves is to throw mud at others.

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20 Jun 2020, 4:13 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I assumed this thread would be locked, for homophobic trolling.

our reading comprehension isn't THAT bad.

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20 Jun 2020, 8:39 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
who the hell are you talking to? i have never heard that once in my entire life,


That was common when I was in college in the Seventies.
In fact...it brings back memories...of overhearing rather boneheaded dialogue about the issue from both sides.

A young lady on TV news was upset that "homosexuals are being compared to beastial people". I thought to myself that she "must have heard an anti gay person used the word 'beastiality' and wrongly thought that the word had to do with being a warewolf and becoming a beast". She would still be pissed off if she rightly understood that the term meant "sex with animals", and not what she thought it meant. But if you're gonna be outraged, be outraged at the right thing!

And then on the campus I went to they had a gay pride event of somekind. And then someone wrote a satirical piece on the op ed page of the campus paper about an event "promoting beastiality". And thought to myself "the event you're making fun of was not 'promoting homosexuality'. It was promoting gay pride. Not quite the same thing."

The guy's piece got a lot of flak, and folks defended it on free speech grounds. If the guy had written "an event promoting beastiality pride" then it would have been a fair thing to print (even though I am for gay rights- and have the opposite opinion). But the way he wrote it was off base, and therefore didnt quite work as either humor or as a fair thing to print.

I shoulda written a letter to the editor back then I guess. But ...after all of those decades I just now got it off my chest! :lol:


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20 Jun 2020, 9:32 am

I often see such discussions in the YouTube comments section. At this point, I'm not even disgusted or offended; I'm just amused at the absurdity. There have been a few times where I've gotten into conversations trying to explain why the two aren't the same.

One time I was in an online game server room and I was talking to my friends. There was a mention of a gay relationship, since some of my friends are in gay relationships and we were talking about them. One girl outside our group was outraged (although she might've just been a troll) and claimed we were silencing straight people. To which I replied "We're not stopping you if you wanna talk about being straight, go ahead if you want".

A guy started defending her and told us to leave. That this was a room for normal people. He started with the whole being gay is unnatural argument. A rather flawed argument, since homosexuality does occur in the animal kingdom quite a lot. Plus, nature itself isn't always a good guide to base morality on. I remember hearing a conspiracy theory once that homosexuals were man-made in a factory by the US government. That gave me a good laugh.

Unfortunately, there's a small but vocal group that are trying to get paedophilia recognised as part of the LGBT community, calling themselves MAPs (Minor Attracted People). If you ever meet one, you should probably use a map to direct yourself away from them. There's a rather long history of people comparing homosexuality to paedophilia. Reminds me of an old PSA I saw once called "Boys Beware!" warning a boy about his homosexual neighbour who was described as having "a contagious disease of the mind" and actively recruiting others.

The argument tends to be that if someone is homosexual, they must lack a moral compass. I've come across a few people that think homosexuals are secretly conspiring to bring about the end of the world. That we're here to destroy the natural order. I've even heard people try to claim that this is why the Roman empire fell. There was a news story once about someone that tried to sue the entire homosexual population in court. Of course, the case was rejected. Another story featured a guy complaining that Starbucks made him gay. Somehow, I don't think it was the overpriced coffee that did that. :lol:

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20 Jun 2020, 11:10 am

How did he allege that Starbucks made him gay?

Thats up there with that African lawyer a few years ago who tried to sue the modern republic of Italy, and the modern nation of Israel, for the wrongful death of Christ. Some blame the death of Christ on the Jews, but he was holding both the Romans and the Jews responsible. The Roman Empire doesnt exist anymore, and neither does ancient Judea. So he went after the closest entities that exist today -Italy and Israel. Even if it were not thrown out of court, and even he had won..who is he gonna pay the damages to? Christ didnt have descendants (unless you believe the DaVinci Code)so there is no "next of kin". :lol:


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20 Jun 2020, 6:13 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
How did he allege that Starbucks made him gay?

I did a quick fact check, and the case I was thinking of actually came from a satire piece. These days I'm not sure what's parody and what's real anymore. :lol:

However, there was a guy that claimed painkillers made him gay (I believe this happened in 2018). Went on British television to do an interview about it. I remember watching it.

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20 Jun 2020, 11:32 pm

Because they're horrible people.

Outside of the Rick Santorums and the Phelps klans of the world this mindset isn't commonly encountered. Of course, the occasional deplorable will admit this is how they view the world but even other others within that political bloc might call them out on it.

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08 Jul 2020, 2:33 pm

NewTime wrote:
Why does homosexuality get compared to pedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality?

For many people it's just the same disgusting. It's just a perversion like the others that they can't relate to.

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08 Jul 2020, 3:16 pm

Lost_dragon wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
How did he allege that Starbucks made him gay?

I did a quick fact check, and the case I was thinking of actually came from a satire piece. These days I'm not sure what's parody and what's real anymore. :lol:

However, there was a guy that claimed painkillers made him gay (I believe this happened in 2018). Went on British television to do an interview about it. I remember watching it.

Life imitates....Monty Python!

I cant find the Monty Python original, but here are two amateurs doing a good "a cover version" of Monty Python's "Mouse Problem".


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08 Jul 2020, 3:22 pm

quite an extreme wrote:
NewTime wrote:
Why does homosexuality get compared to pedophilia, necrophilia and bestiality?

For many people it's just the same disgusting. It's just a perversion like the others that they can't relate to.

Those people can't possess much intellectual honesty to compare consensual relations between adults with raping animals or children. Sounds like a bad excuse for bad logic.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.