PhosphorusDecree wrote:
blazingstar wrote:
PhosphorusDecree wrote:
blazingstar wrote:
Anyone who has read The Malay Archipelago would be difficult for me to forget.
Thank you! So, that's one....
I’m curious: Are you interested in life sciences? Exploration? Historical accounts?
Mildly wondering what led you to The Malay Archepelago.
Science in general, but zoology is a particular obsession.... They had a paperback copy in Waterstones- couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted it, and there was no way I was leaving it there! How 'bout you?
My original interest was in field biology/ecology and my education ran like general biology/botany/mycology. I’ve always been fascinated of the historical accounts of explorations, the sort of “when the world was new” type. The accounts of the botanists traveling along with the teams of explorers. Ethnobotany has been a more recent interest.
I just finished reading Into the Silence by Wade Davis. One River, same author was fascinating. I wish I could have studied under Richard Schultes or E. O. Wilson.
Do you have any reading suggestions?
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot