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31 Aug 2007, 9:31 am

I don't usually talk politics but, I think it is disgusting that the U.S is now offering $20,000. for new recruits to the Army. Is that all
a young person's life is worth?

American soldiers and their allies are dying in a senseless war and being buried in cemeteries all across the world.Their numbers
increase daily and there is no end in sight. Many years ago, Rudyard Kipling wrote a powerful, condemning observation about war and I believe it speaks clearly for many of these young people who voices have been forever silence by the Iraq War. It reads, "If any question why we died, tell them it is because our fathers lied." Dying for a lie! Shame on those leaders responsible.

Does any one share my anger and sadness? I wish the USA has a system of voter election like Great Britain where we could vote
President George W. Bush out of office in a vote of NO CONFIDENCE.

Once upon a time, America was great because it was good. Today, America is considered less good both here at home and abroad as we continue to drift into uncharted and dangerous waters.


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31 Aug 2007, 9:55 am

Zsazsa wrote:
Does any one share my anger and sadness?


I'm equally angry and sad about the innocent Iraqi civilians being killed, maimed and tortured.

And about the Canadian soldiers dying in Afghanistan because the US couldn't be bothered putting its military where it might actually have done some good against al Qaeda, and just had to go for the big oil prize instead.


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31 Aug 2007, 10:01 am

Zsazsa wrote:
I don't usually talk politics but, I think it is disgusting that the U.S is now offering $20,000. for new recruits to the Army. Is that all a young person's life is worth?

I hate those commercials!

Zsazsa wrote:
"If any question why we died, tell them it is because our fathers lied." Dying for a lie! Shame on those leaders responsible.

A great quote and shame indeed!

Zsazsa wrote:
Does any one share my anger and sadness? I wish the USA has a system of voter election like Great Britain where we could vote President George W. Bush out of office in a vote of NO CONFIDENCE.

More than I could possibly express on here. I wish we could get rid of "Dumbfounded" Dubya and Triggery Happy" Dick. They will go down as two of the most vile and disgusting leaders of modern history.

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31 Aug 2007, 10:16 am

well the army is a business just like any other store in america, may i sugjest some pantera circa 1996? phil will tell you all about it son!


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31 Aug 2007, 10:33 am

Well, I'm a US citizen who's so disgusted with the war and the current administration that I refuse to go back to the USA. My passport expires in 2010 and I may not renew it, I might apply for Hungarian citizenship instead.

Ed Almos

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31 Aug 2007, 10:50 am

woah you live in hungry? are you uh hungry there? just kidding. i think thats cool. i'd live in another country because the cost of living is so sexy anywhere else but here, but then i think to myself, what if a crime happens to me and the police dont want to stop watching indiana jones at police headquarters and help me? you know what i mean??


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31 Aug 2007, 10:59 am

richardbenson wrote:
What if a crime happens to me and the police don't want to stop watching Indiana Jones at police headquarters and help me? You know what I mean??

Not really? :?

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31 Aug 2007, 12:18 pm

Yes i'm totally disgusted!! I cannot even watch the news about it anymore. Because it is too upsetting for me to see all those ppl being killed and blow-up. I just read that Bush and the Republicans have budgeted something like 880 billion dollars for the war in Iraq.


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31 Aug 2007, 12:22 pm

Ah yes , the iraq war - the beginning of the end for the age of oil. Yes it makes me sick , the continued lies from the governments involved about why they went to war and what the aim was really do make me want to hurl.

What did amuse me was the admission last week that the US would put up with "any government that worked" in Iraq and was stepping down the whole "democracy" thing - its a shame they had killed Saddam so quickly he might have been in for getting his old job back.

Next stop some fradulent excuse to attack Iran.


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31 Aug 2007, 12:36 pm

Yeah, which reminds me... Are the ever going to end this war? I don't want it turning from the Iraqi War to Hundred Year War II.

A hundred years...*shudder*...politics are so very, very corrupted...



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31 Aug 2007, 12:41 pm

zebedee wrote:
Next stop some fradulent excuse to attack Iran.

If that happens, then we truly are doomed.

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31 Aug 2007, 12:42 pm

heck, i just want the world to know that not all americans are war-happy nutjobs. A lot of us just want our leaders to get us out of Iraq... Lord knows, we have enough problems stateside to stir up fireants elsewhere. I know that a lot of the rest of the world hates us: 'the great satan'. I have noticed that slowly all the presidents men are starting to jump ship and its a relief. I dont like the fact that we look like jackasses to the rest of the world; poking our noses where they dont belong. We just need to take our toys and go home.

I can understand why liberals are frustrated with all the mess that is going on. Not to mention the price gouging that the private companies are putting on our army and military forces. Private companies that rub elbows with Cheney himself. Its just one big cluster**** right now. A majority of our citizens dont want this war and we are tired of it.


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31 Aug 2007, 12:44 pm

edal wrote:
Well, I'm a US citizen who's so disgusted with the war and the current administration that I refuse to go back to the USA. My passport expires in 2010 and I may not renew it, I might apply for Hungarian citizenship instead.

Ed Almos

I'd go to, if I weren't broke...and in a group home...and in the local DSS custody...and a minor...

God, looks like I have to deal with the U.S. being a total ace-hole to the entire world. I bet that's why it refused to go to the Metric system...



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31 Aug 2007, 12:47 pm

chris_hass33 wrote:
I bet that's why it refused to go to the Metric system...


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31 Aug 2007, 1:46 pm

I have friends fighting in Iraq and Afganistan. Some I have seen as they have came back, the rest I never heard from again (im not saying they are dead, just still somewhere ???)

Anyways, its quite the qwagmire. We really shoulda kept the focus on the war on terror. Saddam was a threat yes, but we had our hands tied in a war that was accepted by the American people.

I almost joined the marines after high school, then a few mounths later the terrorist attacks came. I would have been proud to serve in Afganistan if nessissary, but not Iraq and I feel for anybody that has to go over and do it as well as the innocent civilans caught in the middle.

One of my hobbies is studing the original gulf war, desert storm, I was only 7 when it started, but enjoyed watching it on TV, and understanding what was happening, the issues, the people involved. It was my first memory of international events. That was a just conflict, but Gulf War II (or in the actuall gulf they call it Gulf war III supposedly as I was told by someone over their - everyone forgets about the Iraq-Iran conflict 80-88) is not. I do enjoy watching the footage of the fighting and the stories I hear from those coming home ill admit, but its really a horrible situation our leaders have gotton us, and them into. Their unfortunatly is no correct answer if you ask me, we may be forced to stick it out for years!

DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.


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31 Aug 2007, 2:48 pm

dawndeleon wrote:
i just want the world to know that not all americans are war-happy nutjobs.

I feel very sorry for Americans who have a clue.