nick007 wrote:
I never liked soup & I barely liked any stews & haven't liked any since I was a teen. I'm not a fan of hot liquid thou & the only liquids I really drink are water, soda, & occasionally beer. I tend to dislike foods having a lot of liquid in them as well unless most of the water was cooked or drained out or it's something frozen like ice-cream. I always been a majorly pikcy eater & still am thou I'm not quite as bad as I used to be. Nothing wrong with others liking or loving that stuff, just not my thing.
I am not really wild about soup either (except when I am sick). In fact some folks at work and I got into a debate about the proper way to eat instant microwaveble Ramen oriental noodles. The other guy ate them (admittedly the way you're supposed to) as soup, but I was part of the crowd that eats lo mien restaurant style (like Italian spaghetti) on a flat plate, and so prefers to pour out the liquid and just eat the noodles like you would out of soup pasta.
But I did used to have the bad habit wolfing down food too fast, and putting myself into a food coma. And soup both slows your eating, and dilutes the content in water. So there is that.