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30 Oct 2024, 11:21 pm

What reasons did you have to get sent to the courtroom?

Jury duty
You work there

What happened in that case?

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31 Oct 2024, 12:26 am

Been a handful of times for couple reasons. Mostly traffic court although a couple were for more serious things from an angry youth.

What happened? The one case I represented myself I won, they police didn't show up so case was thrown out. Was funny to me because they were all calling me a fool for not paying a lawyer beforehand. All others I ended up paying one way or another, with my time and/or my money.

Interesting court trivia. Why does the gold trim around the edge of the flag in every US court represent, what does it symbolize?

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31 Oct 2024, 12:54 am

Crossing a road at a place other than a pedestrian crossing - fine
Cultivation, possession and use. - bond
Cultivation, possession and use. -bond
Witness to car accident causing death. (I was the sap giving mouth to mouth to a corpse) - acquittal
Being drunk in a public place (I'd had 1 drink and stepped out of the pub to have a smoke)
Non payment of fine (^ for that. They let me out without informing me I'd been charged) - 2 days in lockup in lieu of fine
Cultivation, possession and use. -fine
Careless driving - licence demerit points and bond

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31 Oct 2024, 6:07 am

Once to serve on the jury, twice for civil disobedience, both cases non payment of the unfair "Poll Tax" introduced 1989, abolished 1993

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31 Oct 2024, 6:12 pm

I had jury duty but got eliminated when the defendent's lawyer concluded I was sympathetic to police.

Other than that I have by the grace of God remained out of the courtroom. It is interesting when serving jury duty, and I might not mind if I were retired and bored, but jury duty does not pay well and is time consuming. Most of it consists of waiting around.

I am also grateful that I have not been sued or accused of anything. All of that can be very expensive.

My magical motto is Animus facit nobilem. I like to read fantasy and weird fiction. Just a few of my favorite online things: music, chess, and dungeon crawl stone soup.


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31 Oct 2024, 6:38 pm

when i was 24, got a jury duty summons. emailed them my autism diagnosis report. did not hear from them again until age 38. emailed them (different county), autism report. didn't hear anything back from them. day before scheduled day, phoned. it told me to go there. went there. waited around. they told me to leave. yesterday, got a jury summons in the mail. today, wasted a lot of time and energy trying to figure out how to submit a request for exemption. also, in the work portal, told my job that i have jury duty on that day.

s**t, those idiots should've made me 4f'ed permanently from jury duty, for all counties in the stupidass solar system, s**t. instead, they are physically forcing me to keep submitting documentation every time. (rolls eyes) (bad organization and communication). but what the flying f**k ever s**t. jury duty could only be once a year maximum. good thing.

been feeling like i have dementia. catatonic or some s**t like that. alzheimer's, parkinsons, huntington's. arthritis, osteoporosis. every slightest movement feels weak, slow, stiff, and sore. only 41. rapidly deteriorating, decomposing, rotting. s**t. used to be a lot academically smarter and physically weaker. and only getting worse.

plenty of precious lil "people" are so bad @ english or computers that they do not know how to apply for a jury duty exemption. how the f**k do they handle jury duty? (maybe it's so hard for them to apply for an exemption, that they give up and just go to jury duty. or maybe they do not go to jury duty altogether?) s**t

i wish i had some "volunteers" to do my dirty work for me (cooking, cleaning, driving), just like Kayla b***h, s**t


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02 Nov 2024, 1:55 am

Never been directly.

There was a court case involving a crime committed against me as a minor.

I also once did some photos as evidence in a court case. But they rejected them as evidence since I wasn't present to testify that I took them.

He/him or they/them pronouns, please.
ASD level 1 & ADHD-C (professional dx), dyscalcula (self dx), very severe RSD.
Currently in early stages of recovering from autistic burnout.

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02 Nov 2024, 3:45 am

Driving with tinted windows ....( in the desert) ..Somehow got convicted of destruction of Public property ?? ran a blade behind a tractor on a dirt road near the border of my own property but 7 feet inside the property line ??. the existing road was badly rutted( (stutter bumps)) . Even after showing pictures. They only reduced it to a infraction...But we had apparently got on someones list to harass by Sheriffs . It went on and on from there.. Finally had to abandon that home.
btw I think the Gold border stands for a Maritime flag ..possibly better said as a Corporate flag .Or a flag of US commerce . Of the US corporation .
In such courts have heard to attempt to invoke Commom law .. Or if confronted with such a criminal case under that court...Do all you can to change the parameters of the trial to be presented as a Civil case . And create such a presentation for yourself in Court . ( moving jurisdiction to civil court) .Prosecuetors and lawyers and certain Courts
only seem to be in business to create victims . And keep criminal lawyers and courts in business . imho.

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04 Nov 2024, 5:56 pm

today my job's portal said that my request for a day off for jury duty "denied". (rolls eyes). three and a half years ago, i got jury duty and i requested a day off and it said "denied". s**t, now i have to use sick time for jury duty. otherwise i have to tell the human resources coordinator about it. she's very nice, but i would rather not have to interact with so many precious lil "people".

then, @ the library, printed bus directions to the courthouse. takes three buses. one of the buses scheduled every hour. another bus scheduled every 30 minutes. buses not always on time. the court's website says that if public transportation takes over 90 minutes, you do not have to go. last week, i emailed the court the public transportation directions to court. (its' over 90 minutes) and i also emailed a copy of my autism diagnosis. haven't heard back from the court thus far. (last time, i emailed them my autism diagnosis document, and they didn't get back to me. the day before, i phoned and it said i had to go there. went there, and they told me they had enough jurors.) wasted a lot of time, $$$ and energy to get there, s**t.


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04 Nov 2024, 9:29 pm

Yup...Figures ,not the first..not the last :ninja:

Diagnosed hfa
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