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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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08 Apr 2006, 2:36 pm

i thought this would be a good thread, as i just saw this tv ad for Marks and Spencer with this woman doing a sexy voice raving about food(food porn) and I HATE THEM!! !!

I'm really pedantic about bad spelling too, but i know some people can't help it.
also hate car alarms
hate my cold fingers and toes

anyone else?


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08 Apr 2006, 2:44 pm

I get annoyed when people set thermostat to like 75 degrees. why would anyone do that?

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08 Apr 2006, 2:52 pm

yes. i HATE:

When People Say i am not aspie when they ahrdly kow me

when people make assumptions about me

when i lose my dummy / paci

when people yell at me.

When people make no sense and then blame me.

When people hit me

When i get tacen away form my hoddie

SCHOOOL :evil:

i think thats about all for now



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08 Apr 2006, 3:25 pm

Dogs barking, people coughing, vacuum cleaners. Those things really annoy me, sometimes with the need to exit the room. Anything monotonously loud and nearby, really. Yet, strangely enough, loud music doesn't have the same effect.

Bad grammar also tends to interfere with my reading ability, but I know some people can't help it. But I kind of have to read some things twice or three times in some circumstances. I am very rigid in how I write.

And then there's the thing that my parents sometimes joke about: my very bizarre eating habits. I never mix any of my food, like I won't eat anything that is mixed, like if my vegetables were served with the meat portion. I find myself picking green beens away from the gravy. And that's not to count some foods, such as most Italian food, that I refuse to eat.

And personal questions. They really annoy me. Someone asks me, "How are you doing?" I always reply with "Great" or "Good," regardless of how I feel. I wish people would just leave me to myself. I'm not rude, but I tend to shut down conversations that are too personal for me to take. I just can't engage in any further discourse.

- Ray M -

Snowy Owl
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08 Apr 2006, 4:12 pm

Aeturnus wrote:
And then there's the thing that my parents sometimes joke about: my very bizarre eating habits. I never mix any of my food, like I won't eat anything that is mixed, like if my vegetables were served with the meat portion. I find myself picking green beens away from the gravy. And that's not to count some foods, such as most Italian food, that I refuse to eat.

- Ray M -

hehe, i'm the same though over the years i'm forcing myself to try and mix stuff. Like if i make a roast dinner, i hate gravy being poured everywhere and will try and seperate everything. But if i'm in a restaurant that's done it- i put up with it! begrudgingly!
or food that has a sauce like rice and chilli- i need to keep them seperate and not all mixed up.

Blue Jay
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08 Apr 2006, 4:14 pm

Bad spelling and grammar (like apostrophes being in the wrong place or not being there when they should be), people assuming I am either shy or stupid because I don't feel the need to talk all the time, certain types of noise, narrow-minded people, people who don't say what they mean or get offended when I do...
I could go on but won't! :lol:


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08 Apr 2006, 7:05 pm

workmen who don't tell you what time and date they are coming to your house.
Noises such as loud music.

Chattering people going on about their personal lives.

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08 Apr 2006, 7:48 pm

My pet hates:

1. The way adverts are always twice as loud as the program you are watching. And they deny they do it.
2. I dislike they way actors pretend to be shy or the way they pretend to shun fame.
3. I dislike celebrities without a reason to be famous.
4. I dislike the way some people think they are better than others.
5. I dislike manufacturors ripping off the consumers by not releasing the technology universally in all countries or charging substantially more in one country than another.
6. I dislike flamers.
7. I dislike the NHS system in the UK.

The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


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08 Apr 2006, 10:33 pm

:evil: :evil: :evil: Arrrghhh!! ! :evil: :evil: :evil:

• I have a colleague who habitually drops the wooden crates behind me when I'm working, making a shocking thunderclap. Sudden unexpected loud noises throw me into epilepsy-like seizures. I think my supervisor did have a chat with him :lol:

• Getting tickled by surprise. I dread the day I'll put some poor geezer in hospital over that one. What kind of weirdo gets the idea of tickling a man in his mid-forties? :evil:

• Noisy dogs. If I had it my way I'd round them all up and serve them up at the local soup kitchen :P Did you ever see that Urban Legends episode? Asian cooking anyone? I'll wok your dog for you (sounds like walk, doesn't it?) :P :P :P

• Irresponsible dog owners. Fido gone missing? C'mon down to my place for dinner. We'll have some awesome Chinese cooking and a few homebrews to cheer you up [warming up the wok] :P :P :P

• Bratty, disrespectful children. How dare the government tell me I can't spank my kid!

• My neighbors on the upper floor of my block have left the main door wide open each and every day over this past winter. Cold wintry air acts exactly like water: it flows downhill and fills the basement apartment like a swimming pool. Fortunately I had the backing of two other neighbors from the lower floors when we confronted those grown-up pre-schoolers. There is strength in numbers :wink:

• Gossipy people. I keep my distance from those types.

• Cell phones. They're rude! And don't tell me to go get myself one! I'll lose it the most foolish way imaginable in the first half hour.

• Politicians. All of them are too busy filling up their Swiss bank accounts to be doing any good for our country.

• Bad drivers. If I was a traffic cop in my town, I might get assassinated if not make the Top 5 Local Hate List :wink:

• Thieves. If I ever caught one in the act, I won't mention here what I'd do :!:

• Cheapskates. When one tries to get my services as an artist for little or nothing, for example I give them a hand-held mirror and my sketch pad, saying: "Ok, I'll give you the U-Brew rate, but you do the work yourself" :lol:

• The Walmart stores. Only if I couldn't find a specific item in any other store do I set foot in there. Find it ASAP, check out at the counter, and then Run Like Hell

• Registered charity organizations whose administrators have salaries that look like phone numbers. When they approach me, I ask for a financial statement and have never had any reciprocate with the same.

• Fighting, arguing, and bickering. My marriage was a 5-year marathon of that.

• A fishing partner who won't bait his own hook. I do that for the ladies only. I asked one guy: "If you were in this boat with Red Fisher himself, would you ask him to bait your hook? Really? I think the old boy would throw you overboard!" :lol:

If "manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say

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08 Apr 2006, 11:16 pm

I dislike when people chatter on incessantly - and I mean those who just keep it going on and on. I usually stop understanding what they were saying shortly into the conversation and they just keep yakking away. And then you have that tense little smile on your face simply amazed at their vocal endurance.

And I dislike when my daughter's friend either challenges me when I say no or tries and gets my daughter to keep nagging about it. She's not too subtle either - I've heard her in the background over the phone telling my daughter to keep begging if she can stay over longer.

Stores that don't have a Uscan. And long lines in the stores. I've left stores without buying anything because of lines on many occassions.


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09 Apr 2006, 12:14 am

Seeing as how no one has said it yet.... posts about things that annoy me and the people who post them :twisted: lol.

"we never get respect ... never a fair trial
[swearing removed by lau] ... as long as we smile"
Im tired of smiling.

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Apr 2006, 3:30 am

Endersdragon wrote:
Seeing as how no one has said it yet.... posts about things that annoy me and the people who post them :twisted: lol.


tardiness/lpeople being late
plus lots of the things other people have said here!
birds singing at 5 am in the morning, they wake me up and then i find it a nightmare to fall asleep again!
people walking into me-even a slight bump will wind me up


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09 Apr 2006, 9:57 am

Strange noises annoy me if I am oblivious to them.

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09 Apr 2006, 7:58 pm

moomin wrote:
birds singing at 5 am in the morning, they wake me up and then i find it a nightmare to fall asleep again!

people walking into me-even a slight bump will wind me up

Ugghhh! Sometimes, I feel like taking a shot gun and shooting these birds. I don't go to sleep until 4 or 5am and here I am, trying to block out the daylight and the annoying peep peeping from the 2 million birds staying in the tree right outside my bedroom window.

And I guess there are more blind people in the world than I thought. I sure have a lot of them bumping right into me like they can't see a 5 foot 8 black woman walking in front of them. At least that better be their excuse. :evil:

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09 Apr 2006, 9:06 pm

I'm with all you people complaining abou the dogs! I do not know why anybody in their right mind would want to own a noisey, wild dog that jumps and barks at everything it sees! And please, if you don't like dog poo in your yard, what makes you think that your neighbors are going to like your dog poo either! Clean up after your dog when you walk it!

I'm also with you all that can't stand late people and no-shows. It annoys me to no end when people say they are going to do something or be somewhere, and then they aren't, or they show up late, and make you wait on them. This is the ultimate in rudeness, and many NT's do it, and don't show any remorse for it either!
I also can't stand it when people ask me too many questions, because then I must put together an answer for them...and especially, make it an answer that's not going to offend the fragile NT mind that for some reason cannot take the truth

I can't stand it when people try to challenge and compete with me over something. It happens all the time, and even over the most subtle things. If I accomplish something, there's always someone around that's trying to one-up me and make themselves look better. I didn't accomplish something to be better than someone else, so get over it!

Celebrity gossip. I have NO clue why people even find this crap entertaining, and why it's even considered newsworthy. I don't care about the personal lives of high-profile people, or anyone else in this world, so don't force it down my throat when I'm trying to get some information about the world.

TELEPHONES! Some people may think these things are the best invention of modern time, but I bet go differ. They constantly ring at the most inoppertune time, and when they do, it's always someone on the other end whining and complaining that they want something from you, or want you to do something for them. Now, when you make an outgoing call to someone, chances are you'll never get them, and end up talking to a stupid machine, and then never getting your call returned.


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09 Apr 2006, 9:19 pm

AV-geek wrote:
TELEPHONES! Some people may think these things are the best invention of modern time, but I bet go differ. They constantly ring at the most inoppertune time, and when they do, it's always someone on the other end whining and complaining that they want something from you, or want you to do something for them. Now, when you make an outgoing call to someone, chances are you'll never get them, and end up talking to a stupid machine, and then never getting your call returned.

The first apartment I had I did not get a phone (there was a payphone right nearby). I find the ring of a telephone very intrusive and sometimes just turn the ringer off during the day if I'm not in the mood.