Jessi_in_wonderland wrote:
I once heard about the Illuminati from listening to Coast to Coast, a radio show with George Noory and Art Bell. To me the idea that there is a group of the most powerful people in the world is both frightening but intriguing at the same time. I've always thought that the Mafia was interesting, and to me the Illuminati is the Mega Mafia of all Mafias. I imagined that I had family that was part of the Illuminati, but that I was a good person but at the same time I had to be very private and undercover. And I had this huge secret that I only told my closest friends and since the Illuminati are insanely wealthy, I could fly me and my friends in a helicopter to Europe in a matter of hours. I also want to get a ring or pendant made to look like their symbol. If you know anything at all about the Illuminati please comment because I just find it so interesting.
Would like nobody to criticise and say they do not exist or even agree for that matter. All I am going to do is post some info so Jessi can make her own mind up about it.
Will give you an introduction to the organisation through videos and a links.
Illuminati literally means the enlightened ones. As in the members, are enlightened, as they see themselves as the chosen people of their religion.
Zionists and Luciferians make up the Illuminati.
Zionists are NOT Jews but often pretend to be Jews. Their roots can be traced back to Mongolia in Asia I believe.
Many members of the Rothschild family are Zionists and in extremely powerful financial positions in my opinion.
[youtube][/youtube] ... schild.htm
The Luciferans came from ancient Babylon, which we now call Iraq.
This series documents symbolism very well. Ignore that "demon face 9/11" "evolution hoax" and "dinosaur myth" parts as they are a bit over the top in my opinion. The other info about the Luciferan Pagan religion and how it is incorporated into Christianity through tradition and symbolism is the relevant stuff.
There are 50 parts to this series:
The Zionists control a massive amount of money. Zionists probably are working in politics but it is mostly the Luciferans working for them, as the Zionists have the money to fund politics, control banks, corporations and the media.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask and I will suggest some info so that you can judge it for yourself.
<Insert meaningful signature here>