Colinn wrote:
Growlithe wrote:
I mean back in the middle ages life was tough. There were a lot of wars and famine and poverty and disease. People needed someone, someone who would promise a better life. Thats why many people turned to Christianity. It appealed to the poor or people who had tough lives because it promised a better life after death and there was a loving God who would forgive people of their wrongdoings.
It still happens now, in the form of the brainwashing clan (missionaries). Going to the most vulnerable of countries suffering from poverty and starvation and filling their heads with false hope that something from the sky will come and save them. Not my idea of volunteering.
Better that those missionaries would go into those countries and teach the people proper sanitation, medical science, agricultural principles, reading, writing, arithmetic, and reason.
Instead, the missionaries seem to focus on teaching things that can not be measured or otherwise proven to be true.