Ilikemusic wrote:
It means I want to be treated like my neurotypical siblings. Im treated like Im super fragile. Im not. Im 5'8. Im taller and bigger than my younger sister.But she has more freedom. I talk to my parents. They said they have good reasons.
Have you asked them what their reasons are?
Are you a potential danger to yourself or others? Even with simple things like forgetting to turn the stove off when you're cooking. etc.
A respite worker isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. If your parents are worrisome people who don't feel they can leave you alone at home in order to go out for a day/evening/weekend or whatever & they cannot rely on your siblings to make sure that you and your home are safe, they may be considering hiring a respite worker just for their own peace of mind.
Mmmmmmaybe you'd do absolutely fine on your own at home, and maybe you even KNOW you would, but if your parents are so concerned that something could go wrong while they're away from you then it might just be worth their money to pay some other adult to come over and make sure nothing goes wrong while they're out/away. It may be more for their own peace of mind than it is that it's necessary for you to have someone look after you. Some parents are just anxious like that and would rather spend a bit of $ so that they can go out and relax knowing that they have a responsible professional caregiver in their home to ensure that you don't get hurt or runaway or w/e, and that their home won't be damaged in any sort of accident. Some people just can't handle being out and away from their ASD kids because they worry too much, so, they'll pay for someone to come hangout at their home with their kids and alleviate those worries so they can actually relax and enjoy their time out vs. worry so much it ruins the whole point of getting out of the house w/o any of their kids.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.