Years ago while I was on the CB, I was Pannier Man in reference to panniers on a bicycle and the pannier tank locos which used to run on these railways years ago.
However it didn't come accross that clearly over the CB and the number of times I had to repeat it... (I rarely used the CB as I was a bit shy on it.. My brother loves the CB and he is Mountain Lion as a handle.
So I had a re-think. If I become Mountain Goat, as one of the first USA mountain bike frame builders used the name Mountain Goat, and I live on top of a mountain near the sea, and my parents kept goats.... and it was similar to my brothers name...Ideal.
When I came on the internet, I named myself after one of my cars, a Volvo Amazon. I wanted to be Amazon but it was taken. I then tried Amazon 65 (The year of my car) but it too was taken. So I became Amazon 55 as when Playstation 3 cameout, I had bought a Playstation 2 (Whn the prices dropped) and played an online game called "Delta Force Black Hawk Down". This game was fun. I was Amazon 55 on there and I found with the M240B machinegun, I could even outsmart snipers in long distance shooting. Though I came in late to the game as the game had been running for a few years before I joined, I found myself top of the leaderboard for using the machinegun, and also fairly high on the general leaderboard. I only had a tiny Joytech screen that was designed to bolt on the back of my slimline little Playstation 2. Some palyed the game using large TV's so could see brilliantly. My little screen was clear though once I adjusted it.
Now when I found myself top machinegunner, the game didn't last long and it blocked me from joining. So I made a new account. Amazon 65 (As on this game it let me), and eventually found myself top machine gunner again and then it locked me again once I had reached the top spot for a certain time. Then I became Amazon 75 and then I later gave the Playstation 2 and all my games away to my cousins eldest boy who I now work with, as he had a situation where he had lost everything. I also gave him a decent 531 framed rigid mountain bike that I had recently restored.
But then I decided on sites like this to revert back to my old CB handle as I found that Amazon was a god, and I became less keen to use the name. I am only on a few sites. One didn't accept Mountain Goat so I became Mountain on it.
So that's my brief account of how I became Mountain Goat.
On one site everyone kept saying MG... Who's this MG they were referring to and talking to. It took me a while to realize it was me! And when we had a meet up, they still called me Mountain Goat or MG in real life. It was wierd but I am used to it now.
M second ex girlfriend who has asperges met via that Christian chat site, and her autistic son still called me Mountain Goat the last time I saw him. The name sort of stuck..