Airbrush wrote:
jawbrodt wrote:
Airbrush wrote:
.... Bite when I touch her sometimes, I just stroke her on the back and she takes a snap at me, and then I retract me hand because I don't want to get bitten. I think it hurts.
This also happens when I try to pick her up to carry her, but that's mostly when we're inside, she doesn't bite when we're outside. Probably because she has other thing's to focus on rather than me then.
Other people experience this with their cats?
My cat used to do that, to let me know I was petting her in the wrong place. We get along great now.
She bites if I pet her at all, sometimes she doesn't bite right away though.
I have found that cats generally, only want petted when they want something. It probably wants food, water,treats, or its litter cleaned. It bites you, out of frustration, because you are not responding to its signals. About every 5 or 6 days, my cat lets me know it wants me to change its litter. They can be very picky.
Those who speak, don't know.
Those who know, don't speak.