ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
Xelebes wrote:
Ticker wrote:
You know what they say about people who have extremely wide and long looped g's & y's!
I actually don't know what they say about people who do that.
hm.. what do they say..? the "crazy" thing you mean? How abut big, round long looped M`s and T`s
The long and wide looped g's and y's mean someone is into unusual sexual acts, experimentation and sometimes BDSM. The g's are the major notation of sexual fantasies and desires. If they only long loop y's but not g's then they are obsessed with money. The loop of the p's indicate feelings about physical labor. I've not ever heard of a long looped m.... Long looped t's denote sensitivitiy to criticism. The way the t is crossed can say a lot too.
I can't believe I am the only one knows about graphology on here. A teacher in high school actually got me into it.