Raleigh wrote:
Is it ok to be drunk by 9am?
So long as one doesn't drive, I don't care. In fact I realize that drinking and driving is wrong but I don't even care so much about that as long as you don't go pass the limit in which you think you can drive. I drive high all the time, personally I can't drive drunk and I would think most people are that way but I have seen some very high functioning alcoholics so I won't say its impossible to do it safely, probably depends on the person. I would measure rather or not drinking is a problem for you the same way I measure rather or not smoking cannabis is bad for me. If you are intoxicated beyond that that you can't function throughout the day, then you have a problem. When I drank, I had that as a problem, I don't on cannabis so its all about knowing your limits.
What are your limits? Are you having a beer or two with high tolerance or are you getting wasted in la la land?