DeepHour wrote:
I thought you liked Sundays....
This thread has been pretty eventful tonight. Should've stocked up on popcorn.
Well I'm glad the drama and my pathetic self and posts entertained you. Might I suggest toffee popcorn for next time? Though I probably will have been banished to the gates of WP hell for all eternity by then, apparently homophobes aren't welcome here, and the slightest slight on or mere mention of anything gay makes even out gay men a worse homophobe than the entire Westboro Baptist Church community (if you can call it a community)
Look out for me at the next funeral of a gay man, I'll be the brightly dressed leader of a picket line that will come bearing signs that have words of wisdom such as G*d hates f*gs daubed on them.
Stock up on toffee popcorn for that one
If these wings could fly, we’d remember tonight, for the rest of our lives