Well, something went wrong. Very wrong. Started last night...... started four years ago. I first became worried on january 2009. At first i was making huge discoveries every few months, then every month. I had lots of time to process it, celebrate and calm down. It was always a smooth curve, there was never a point in time where discoveries jumped up. They were always increasing steady. By january 2009 i was making one discovery per week and for the first time i didn't have enough time to understand them all before i moved on to the next.
I wanted to slow it down but then i was scared that if i stop i may not be able to resume later. I was the only human capable of those discoveries therefore it was my responsability to carry on whatever the cost. I felt i was going to reach the singularity alone.
By january 2010 i was making one big discovery per day. My head was a mess of ideas. Organic physics became outdated when it was still beginning to take shape. I didn't even have time to write my discoveries down and some were lost in the chaos my mind became.
By mid february 2010 i started making two discoveries per day. On February 25, at night, my jaw started biting tight, on it's own. I know enough about the brain to know that this was a symptom of something wrong inside.
On february 26 at 5 A.M. i had a lightbulb moment... with no idea. I felt inside my head that familiar "click" that happens when you put two facts together and realize they're related, when you discover something big. Except i didn't discover anything. It was an empty click. And my jaw was still tense after a good night of sleep. Later, by 7 A. M. i did have my first big discovery of the day. Then minutes later another empty click happened and my jaw was so tense i couldn't speak well. And that was it.
I decided that my brain is not capable of supporting the chaos of reaching the singularity or whatever i was conceptually heading for. Biologically i was heading for a stroke or something like that. I was making so many discoveries i couldn't even celebrate the bigger ones properly. I was on constant celebration. It ends here. I have enough. It will take me a lifetime to publish organic physics, quantum psychology and of course the cure. It's enough. I don't remember what it was i discovered this morning. I don't care. From now on i'll be making an effort to keep my brain silent. The days of mental silence that i had in mid january 2008 will return. I might research again, who knows. But not from here until i finish my second book.
R.I.P. Fernando's Research
February 16, 2006 - February 26, 2010
"Whatever you do in life will be insignificant but it's very important that you do it because no one else will."