-I just let my cat lick my forehead
-I am starting to feel like I have a home
-I spend way too much time on the Internet
-there are only about 5 people in the world I really care to see face-to-face
-I think I am destined to be a crazy cat lady for the rest of my life
-the only thing organized in my house is my DVD collection, and I am OK with that
-I have not once used my given name on this forum
Joined: 8 Feb 2007 Age: 51 Gender: Male Posts: 16,795
31 Oct 2009, 11:36 am
I confess, I have to sign out of WP for the time being but, I'm getting better at not only meeting new people here but, learning a great many things regarding Aspergers as a whole..
I confess I have a stupid habit of Japanifying words I say so they sound like katakana.
Examples: Christmas becomes Ku-ri-su-ma-su. Warm becomes Wa-ru-mu. Bag becomes ba-gu. Generally just adding "u" onto the end of English words
Joined: 30 Jan 2009 Age: 64 Gender: Female Posts: 6,054
01 Nov 2009, 4:38 am
I confess I have the same habit - which is not a bad one since it amuses me and even makes me laugh (inside).
For instance, bag-> ba-gu -> bagout, in French.