”The monomyth in the mecha genre”.
I've realized how before literacy was widespread and eating out was 'as *convenient*' 'service sector' occupations such as being a secretary or accountant arguably had 'more decorum' before 'mercantile classes' developed into different modalities (arguably) of social mobility. Now, in an urban setting and 'postindustrial' era, service sector work like retail and administrative roles are so widespread and filled in with experienced persons that 'the decorum' has (for several reasons) diminished significantly while attitudes of classism..might still be retained..emphasis on classism as emerging from the 'turmoils' of the labor investment process/education system whose 'old decorum' of 'liberal arts education for cultivating attitudes' has steadily been 'de-mythologized' as having been barely relevant given that the decorum of institutionalism has been increasingly looking less lusterous to cynical Millenials who find it far less justified given the ubiquity of resources which only highlight how one of the few factors which were ever relevant were a mind which not only craves to learn but presumably is non-anxious b/c of the non-influence of factors outside of the 'mind-barer's' control (ex. sexual orientation, developmental differences, being in a racial minority etc) which will make the reality of 'competition', .i.e. of 'sliding through' achievements with self-trust taken for granted and not too much 'problematic-making' effort 'fit into the glove' of a questionable kyriarchy built on the struggles of mass cognitive distortions, non-mindfulness and other possible generations generated by past generations who 'old decorum' has been deconstructed and bitterly retained as increasingly non-justifiable and non-sustainable notions of entitlement become ever shaky via an identity politics influenced lens seeing that as a 'priviledge' which has not been empathetically to an increasingly diverse 'small world' connected via internet and ever so in need of compassion.
Society, are you too good(?) to ever allow someone as unexperienced, eager but an admittedly 'slow learner' like myself to contently do 'low judgement level/effort' job positions such as retail or even food service for you without doing the 'bullying'/'giving me a hard time'/kyriarchy enforcement which influenced me from 2008-2017 or basically 'the entire Obama era'?..
H--- ,I'm not going to lie: if you guys haven't noticed I sometimes *do* crave attention from you guys.